Your Ward Employment Specialist

Are you out of work? Or are you considering pursuing a new career field? If so you should take advantage of the ward employment specialist. This person has been specifically called to help ward members find work. This is a wonderful service that is available to every member of the church. The ward employment specialist usually compiles a list of available jobs in the area. If you have any specific skills or talents you may want to mention them to the ward employment specialist, so that he can keep an eye out for your specific job qualifications and help. He … Continue reading

Have You Thought About Working From Home?

One of the biggest difficulties that parents of children who have special needs face has to do with employment. Parents who are called away from work too often, in order to tend to the needs of their child, can end up becoming unemployed. One solution to this problem might be to work from home. Raising children is expensive. All children are going to require the basics: food, clothing, and shelter. There will be money spent on things like toys, games, and movies to provide entertainment to the child. You can count on there being fees required by schools, and medical … Continue reading

Job Help at Provident Living

One for the best resources the church has in dealing with difficult times is the site This site is put together as a resource to help church members apply the teachings of the gospel to all aspects of their lives. This resource offers advice on money management, food storage, living a healthy lifestyle and emotional and social strength. It also has a section devoted to employment. On the employment portion of the site you can find tips on looking for a job, preparing for an interview and creating a resume. These tips are new to the site, and are … Continue reading

Don’t Quit, Freelance!

Whether you want to quit work to be home with the kids or if you are looking forward to retirement, a great option instead of being unemployed is to freelance. By freelancing your current skills, you can make some money on the side and still have many of the same freedoms found when not working. Freelancers in almost every field are becoming more common. Working at home is easier than ever with new technology and many smaller organizations are eager to hire a temporary worker to take on an extra project. From the employee standpoint, freelancing gives you the ability … Continue reading

More Great Careers

A couple of days ago, I started a series on great careers as ranked by U.S. News and World Report. The rankings are based on preparation necessary, resiliancy to outsourcing, potential job market among a few other factors. While I would still argue that the best job is the one you love to get up and go to in the morning, these are definitely some fields that you should be watching if you’re just starting out or thinking of changing careers. Curriculum Specialist Surprisingly this is one of the fastest growing jobs around. Your job is to help a district … Continue reading

How Sin Affects Our Self-Esteem

Even when we’re trying to be righteous, little sins, and sometimes not so little sins, can become a problem. Whether it’s a one-time thing or an on-going cycle, we are affected in a multitude of ways. We stop feeling happy. Our tempers grow short. We feel guilty. We try to avoid any conversations that might link back to the sin we are seeking to hide. Until we repent and forsake the action, we feel miserable. We can’t feel good about ourselves and yet guilty at the same time, and in this way, sin robs us of our self-esteem. When we … Continue reading

Padding the Resume

Last week, our stake held a career workshop. One of our stay-at-home moms came back revitalized. She confessed that she had always been nervous about jobhunting because she felt her resume to be weak. After the workshop, she realized her many strengths, proven both at home and at church. Although many of us reading this are called to be stay-at-home moms, there are times that mothers enter the workplace. We may take jobs when our children are grown, or we may have the task of supporting our family thrust upon us by the divorce, death, or disablement of our spouse. … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 8-14

This week in the LDS Family blog, we discussed a variety of topics, including agency, priorities, and service. Join us for a review! Gospel Doctrine Lessons: In “I Know Him Not,” we talked about Peter’s denial of the Savior, and how we, too, may be denying Him in our lives. In Release Barabbas, we discussed how many of the Jews chose worldliness over the Savior’s way. In “Thou That Destroyest The Temple…”, we considered the ironic words of those who scorned Christ before He died. And in Deathbed Repentance, we talked about the thieves hanging on the cross with the … Continue reading