In Honor of President Gordon B Hinckley

Yesterday evening President Gordon B Hinckley passed away. He is a man that will truly be missed for his wonderful talks, insight and guidance of the church. In many ways I look at President Hinckley as the prophet who has affected me most in my life. I was just a junior in high school when he was sustained as a prophet, but even as a young child I loved to hear him speak. Every General conference I would look forward to his insight and guidance. As an adult, it is amazing at how he touched on topics that I needed … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review April 23-28

We had a great week in the LDS blog last week. You can gain insights to this week’s lessons by reading Gospel Doctrine: Manifesting The Works of God, Gospel Doctrine: Physical and Spiritual Blindness, and RS/EQ: Technology, Blessings and Scriptures. This week for Relief Society we learned about serving as a teacher in Serving in Relief Society: Teacher. You can learn more about past presidents of the Relief Society by reading Relief Society Presidents: Elaine L. Jack, Relief Society Presidents: Mary Ellen Smoot, and Relief Society Presidents: Bonnie D. Parkin. There were several blogs on strengthening your family this week. … Continue reading

Young Women: “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly”

In his talk “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly” President Gordon B Hinckley speaks specifically to the young women. He opens his talk by encouraging the young women to live and embrace this year’s mutual theme “Let Virtue Garnish They Thoughts Unceasingly.” President Hinckley then says: “Now you young women are on the threshold of life. You are old enough to have been baptized. You are young enough that the future world of which you dream still lies ahead of you. Each is a child of God. Each of you is a creature of Divinity. You are literally a daughter … Continue reading

New 2007 Theme for Mutual

The 2007 theme for the youth programs has been announced. The new theme is “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God” (D&C 121:45). The theme is selected by the Young Women and Young Men general presidencies and approved by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. The theme is to be used throughout the year during the opening exercise that you have each week before activities begin. Often youth are encouraged to memorize the theme. Many times the different youth conferences will also try to incorporate the theme … Continue reading