Young Men: “Examples of Righteousness”

In his talk “Examples of Righteousness” President Thomas S Monson is speaking to the priesthood holders of the church. He opens his talk by speaking of the troubled times in which we live. He says that those who have the priesthood can make a difference, It is important to remain worthy so that the Lord can helps. President Monson says that it is important to be examples to those around us. He points out that we need to stay focused and not to give in to temptation. He challenges the brethren to remain clean. He also invites them to repent … Continue reading

Young Men: “Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood”

In his talk “Faith and the Oath and the Covenant of the Priesthood” President Henry B Eyring is speaking to the priesthood members of the church. Resident Eyring opens his talk by speaking about the importance of the priesthood and the covenants that come with holding the Priesthood. He points out that main blessing from the priesthood is eternal life, and the chance to be with our family for eternity. President Eyring warns against choosing not to accept the priesthood or from choosing not to live worthily of it, once you have received the priesthood. He points out the receiving … Continue reading

Young Men: “A Matter of a Few Degrees”

In his talk “A Matter of a Few Degrees” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks f the importance of living after the manner of happiness. He begins his talk by sharing the experience of being called to serve in the First Presidency. He then goes on to begin his talk by sharing a story of a flight where someone changed the flight coordinates by two degrees. The flight plan took them 28 miles off course, and they ended up flying into the side of a volcano. He goes on to explain “that the difference between happiness and misery in individuals, in … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review July 14th – 19th

Just in case you were too busy to join us during the week, here’s a summary to get you all caught up on our doings here in LDS. We began the week with “The Sanctity of the Chapel,” a reminder that our chapels are not merely just another room in the church, but are holy rooms and should be treated with reverence. We then got caught up-to-date with our lessons in our weekly “Dinner Discussions.” “Gaining a Testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost” is a report on the General Conference address given by Robert D. Hales, … Continue reading

Young Men: “The Twelve Year Old Deacon”

In his talk “The Twelve Year Old Deacon” by Elder John M Madsen speaks about the potential that each deacon has. He opens his talk by sharing the experience that President Hinckley had when he attended his first stake priesthood meeting. He sat by himself at the back, since his father was on the stand. He gained a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith at that meeting when they song “Praise to the Man.” Elder Madsen then speaks about a statue that depicts five deacons sitting on a bench at church and asks what is possible from each of these … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: Do Mormons Take Communion?

The taking of communion is a long-standing tradition in the Christian faith. It symbolizes taking upon oneself Christ’s sacrifice in our behalf and accepting the blessings and responsibilities that go along with it. The Catholic church is perhaps the most well-known for this practice, although it is done in other churches as well. Mormons have their own version of communion. We call it “taking the sacrament.” Fully one-third of our Sunday services are spent in what we call “sacrament meeting,” wherein the sacrament is passed to the congregation. It begins with bread and water being brought out and prepared for … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 45

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson 45 in the lesson manuals. The Junior Primary lessons are a week behind. Towards the end of the year the lessons begin to run out. If this happens, the teacher may choose a topic for the lesson. You may simply need to ask your family about it. You can also discuss the Christmas story and Christ with your children at dinner. If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned that we can all help at church. The children talked about the different responsibilities that each calling entails. They talked … Continue reading