Teaching the Youth the Importance of Education

We are taught that while we can’t take any of our earthly possessions with us when we die, we can take our intelligence and our understanding with us as we progress past the veil. This knowledge has always inspired me to get a good education and to seek learning throughout my life. We recently watched the education segment of the church’s “Brand New Year” DVD with our youth, and I loved many of the aspects of the video. We watched and then talked about education, and I was really impressed with the way the video taught the youth about the … Continue reading

Young Men: Dress Appropriately

Often we hear talks about the importance of dressing modestly. In fact a recent Sacrament meeting was devoted entirely to the importance of modest dress. Often when we hear these talks we think of the young women. However the principle behind modesty, which is showing respect to ourselves and others can also be extended to the young men. First it is important to realize that the clothing that people wear makes a statement about the person. This is one of the reasons for the dress codes at BYU and other church schools. The image that you project to those around … Continue reading

General Conference: “To the Aaronic Priesthood: Preparing for the Decade of Decision”

In his talk “To the Aaronic Priesthood: Preparing for the Decade of Decision” Elder Robert D Hales encourages the young men to prepare for the time when they will make most of their decisions regarding a mission, education, occupation and marriage. He points out that once you reach this point (your twenties) that you have little time to prepare, and that you need to take the time to prepare now. Elder Hales urges the young men to commit to being a disciple of Christ. It is important that every decision you make reflects this commitment. Elder Hales also urges the … Continue reading

Young Men: Dating

As your teenage son approaches sixteen, he may be getting ready to begin dating. This is an exciting time for teenagers, but it is important that your son remembers to maintain the church standards while on a date. Here are five ideas that can help you prepare your son for the dating world. 1) Teach your son to treat others with respect. You can teach him the etiquette basics and encourage him to open the door for the young woman he is out with. You can take this a step further by teaching him to respect women and girls in … Continue reading

Young Men: Leadership Opportunities

The young men in the church have a wonderful chance to become leaders. The scouting program is designed to help each young man become a leader. As the young man advances through the ranks, it is required that he spends part of that time as a leader in order to achieve Eagle. Additionally young men are called upon to act as quorum presidents and take on a leadership role in the quorums as well. It is important that you allow and encourage the young men to do this. Here are five tips to help: 1) It is important that you … Continue reading

Young Men: Teaching Respect for Women

One of the most important things that we can teach our young men is to respect and honor women. Today the media is full of images that often degrade women. It is surprising the attitude that many men have towards women. Many men look at women as objects or fail to find their true value. The church teaches us the how important a woman’s role really is. Teaching young men to respect women really begins in the home. The father in the home teaches by example. If he honors and cherishes his wife, then his sons are likely to do … Continue reading

General Conference: “A Priesthood Quorum”

In his talk “A Priesthood Quorum” Elder Henry B. Eyring speaks about the importance of having unity in quorums. He begins by describing his first quorum. He was in a very small branch, and he was the only deacon in his branch. He learned more about quorums when he moved to a new area. He realized that size does not really matter. Elder Eyring said, “I have learned over the years that the strength in a quorum doesn’t come from the number of priesthood holders in it. Nor does it come automatically from the age and maturity of the members. … Continue reading

Young Men: Preparing Your Son for Future Responsibilities

It is important to teach to the young men of the church, the importance of accepting responsibility, as they grow older. This should include serving a mission, obtaining a higher education, and providing for a family. The role of a Priesthood holder in the home is that of leader and provider. It is important to teach the young men how to best fulfill these roles. The best way to do this is through example. In many homes the sons will simply be able to follow the examples of their fathers as they grow up. However, not every family in the … Continue reading