Young Men: Activities and Interests

Every young man will have varying interests. It is important to recognize that not every young man in your ward is going to fit into the same mold. There will be young men that love basketball, and others who hate. There will be the boys that love camping and those that don’t. There will be young men that love video games, and those who don’t (well—maybe not that one!) My point is that it is important to recognize each individual in your group and give him a chance to shine. Here are five ways to do that. 1) It is … Continue reading

Young Men: Church Ball

In many areas there are wards and stake that still have the young men play basketball as a ward team. This can be a positive experience for some of the boys. However, it is too easy to have this become negative for others. It is important to realize that church ball is mainly to build friendships and to be a positive experience. Here are a few tips to make it a more positive experience. 1) Respect everyone’s choice whether they want to play or not. It is not fair to put undue pressure on boys that are not comfortable playing … Continue reading

Young Men: Leadership Opportunities

The young men in the church have a wonderful chance to become leaders. The scouting program is designed to help each young man become a leader. As the young man advances through the ranks, it is required that he spends part of that time as a leader in order to achieve Eagle. Additionally young men are called upon to act as quorum presidents and take on a leadership role in the quorums as well. It is important that you allow and encourage the young men to do this. Here are five tips to help: 1) It is important that you … Continue reading

Teens Can Coach and Teach

In addition to driving and getting a job, there are other ways that teenagers can experience some “rights of passage” to help them move into being an adult, or at least, an older teenager. There are still plenty of opportunities for teens to serve as camp counselors, youth sports coaches and teach classes (art, activities, Sunday school) that will help them develop maturity and learn all sorts of responsibility and other skills. Since the part-time job seems to be getting harder and harder for teenagers to find, parents might be wondering what their kids CAN do to move toward independence … Continue reading

The LDS Week in Review: April 9-14

This week there were several articles on Relief Society. We learned about the importance of visiting teaching supervisors and coordinators in Serving in the Relief Society: Visiting Teaching Coordinator and Supervisor. We also learned more about the various presidents in the Relief Society in Relief Society Presidents: Amy Brown Lyman, Relief Society Presidents: Clarissa S. Williams, and Relief Society Presidents: Louise Y. Robison. Nola offered excellent insight on the Gospel Doctrine lessons in Gospel Doctrine: The Parable of the Sower, and Gospel Doctrine: Why Speakest Thou in Parables?. Several blogs discussed teaching the gospel to your family. We learned about … Continue reading

Author Interview — Julie Coulter Bellon, Part Two

Thank you for joining us for part two of our exclusive interview with LDS author Julie Coulter Bellon. For those of you who may have missed yesterday’s installment, click here. Julie, what is your favorite thing about being an author? I get to write down all the stories I have going on in my head and share them with others. I love that. I love writing stories that are set in places overseas, places that I’ve visited and have fond memories of. I also love writing about my native country because there’s such a complex relationship between Canada and the … Continue reading

November is National Adoption Awareness Month.

Every year in the United States, the month of November is set aside to promote awareness about the adoption of children from the foster care system. National Adoption Month, has been celebrated for over 20-years and started in May 1976, when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis issued the first state Adoption Week proclamation. Later in the same year 1976 President Gerald Ford officially proclaimed National Adoption week by way of a letter to the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) conference. During the following years, Adoption Week was observed during the week of Thanksgiving in November. In 1986, NACAC coordinated … Continue reading