“Seek Ye Out of the Best Books”

As a confirmed bibliophile, I frequently find myself in search of books to devour. In fact, I was brought into the church through Gerald Lund’s LDS series, “The Work and the Glory.” Since I live on the east coast, that means my primary brick and mortar source for similar books is the LDS bookstore. However, my favorite bookstores have always been used bookstores, and I have a hard time paying full price for novels. Similarly, my fallback, the library, rarely carries these books. This puts me in a difficult position; how do I find good, uplifting books to read without … Continue reading

My Second Week in Review

This is my second week blogging here for Families.com. I am having so much fun writing the blogs and connecting with everyone. I love getting comments. Not only does it makes me thrilled to see that you are reading my blogs, but I am learning so much through those comments. You have so many great ideas! If you are like me, you are always looking for a good deal. That is why I was so excited to be able to post in the deals blog this week. Getting good deals and living frugally go hand-in-hand, don’t they? Well, in case … Continue reading