Visible and Invisible Trials

One of the sisters in our ward had a baby recently. She lives in a lovely house, has a handsome husband, and she herself looks like a model. She put on very little weight during the pregnancy and now, although the baby is only weeks old, she is thin and gorgeous. At church on Sunday, we all gathered around to admire the baby. Several women commented on how good the new mother looked, and one of the Primary teachers even went so far as to say, “I don’t like you.” Truly, it would seem that this new mommy has it … Continue reading

Why is God Doing This to Me?

Oftentimes, as we face life’s most difficult challenges, we are tempted to wonder what we ever did to deserve this trial in our lives. Sometimes we even say out loud, “I wonder why God is doing this to me.” This is a misperception of what is actually taking place. God isn’t “doing” anything to you – He’s allowing certain things to take place for your benefit and growth. In 2 Nephi, 26: 24-25, we read: He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own … Continue reading

Why Must There Be Trials?

As a follow-up to my earlier blog, “Humbled or Picked On,” I’d like to share this scripture: 2 Nephi 2:11 — For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, . . . righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility. What astonishes me is … Continue reading

Is There Ever a Time to Be Violent?

Many Christians have asked themselves this very question. While in the midst of a war, I’ve heard other Christians bring up the question, “Do you really think Jesus agrees with the violence? What would Jesus do?” If we believe what the Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Then we can look back through the Bible and read, even from the Old Testament, the character of God. The instruction God gave the children of Israel to claim their promised land might have some people questioning the gentle heart of … Continue reading

Trials and Faith: Why is This Happening?

In preparing to wrap up my series of Trials and Faith, I receive and email from a long time best-friend. It was a heartfelt prayer request for her friend’s family. This urgent request inspired me to write this blog and release it now rather than later. The prayer request was regarding a little boy who is now 3 who’d had brain cancer. He’d gone through at least radiation treatment, only to find out recently, his cancer returned. It was told to me that he will not be able to have any further radiation treatment and the type of cancer he … Continue reading

Did Your Ancestors Live Through A Witch Hunt?

There are many kinds of people who add interest to any family tree in which they appear. Witches and persons accused of practicing witchcraft are one group of people who add an interesting twist to their families’ history. Witches are commonly associated with the Salem Witch Trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1690’s. Anti-witchcraft sentiments were not unique to Colonial America, though. In 15th century Europe, there were strict rules against practicing witchcraft and suspected witches were hanged. Thousands of witches were executed in Scotland and Germany as well. If there are people in your family tree … Continue reading

Mine Angels Shall Bear You Up

Perhaps the most common question asked by those seeking enlightenment about God’s relationship with His children is this: “Why do bad things happen to good people? If God loves us, why do these horrible things happen?” We’ve all heard it. “Sister Jones is so righteous. Why does she have cancer?” We need to keep in mind, righteousness is not a “get out of trials free” card. Every person on this earth, regardless of how righteous they are, must face trials and tribulations. We cannot progress and return to our Heavenly Father until we have done so. No one is immune. … Continue reading

Just Think of All the Teachers You Have!

When life starts to get overwhelming and I wonder why I am having such a hard time with things, it helps me to think of my mistakes and trials in terms of lessons. If I am really learning all these lessons, then all these individuals who I come across in the course of my days and weeks must surely be teachers who are helping me to learn those lessons… I am not sure where I heard the term “learning partners” first, but I have a friend who uses it often to create cushions of compassion for those people who we … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What is a Patriarchal Blessing?

Back in ancient days, there were patriarchs ordained to give blessings to the faithful who desired to know God’s will for them. One such patriarch was Samuel. We read his story in 1 Samuel chapter 16. The Lord told him to look amongst the sons of Jesse for the next king, but he should not look upon the outer appearance, but on the heart. Jesse brought his sons before Samuel, and he sensed that none of them were right. He asked Jesse if there wasn’t one more son, and Jesse explained that his youngest was out with the flocks. Samuel … Continue reading

Senior Missionary Series: The Need for Senior Missionaries

The Missionary Training Center recently announced the one millionth missionary to go forth since the formation of the Church. What a remarkable accomplishment. How wonderful to think of all those elders and sisters dedicating a portion of their time to share the gospel. When we think of missionaries, we generally think of young men of nineteen and young women of twenty-one. However, there is a great need in the Church for senior missionaries, not only couples, but senior sisters as well. I quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley: “Along with the need for young elders and sisters, there is a … Continue reading