Helping in the Vineyard: Virtual Service

Looking for easy ways to serve in the church? I ran across an interesting tweet the other day about a website where you can find ways to give service. The link was attached to, so I was curious about what it was, and how it works. The website is and it looks to me like a way that the church is trying to utilize the millions of members that it has that are computer savvy and would like to do something to move forward the missionary work of the church. How does it work? When you go to … Continue reading

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I have been loving studying the New Testament this year in Sunday School. There is nothing better than reading about Christ’s life. This past week, we talked about some of the miracles He performed while on this earth, and the lessons we can learn by applying the principles from these miracles in our lives. First, we discussed the reasons why Christ performed miracles. There were three reasons: * To build the faith of others * Compassion He felt towards others * To show His power Every miracle in the new testament can be categorized into one of those three reasons. … Continue reading

One in a Million

Did you know that there are about 1 million primary children in the church worldwide? Amazing. I heard about a new project that the Friend is doing called, “One in a Million”. It is a place to showcase primary children across the world, and share the stories of their lives and testimonies. What a cool project! If you go here, you will find a map of the world, with stars on it. When you click on a star, it will bring up a story of a child. I watched one of a boy named Martins, who lives in Nigeria and … Continue reading

What Does the Average American Think About the Average Mormon?

In the January issue of the Liahona, there was a great article by Elder Dallin H. Oaks that you can share with your non-mormon friends. It is titled, “Fundamental to Our Faith“. He begins the article by showing some startling statistics about what Americans think of Mormons as published in the recent book, How Americans View Mormonism, by Gary C. Lawrence. He says, “Three-quarters of those surveyed associated our Church with high moral standards, but about half thought we were secretive and mysterious and had “weird beliefs.” Did you know that only 14 percent could say that our main claim … Continue reading

After Tina Fey’s Impersonation of Sarah Palin, SNL Mocks Homeschoolers

A record number of Americans tuned in this past weekend for the season premiere of Saturday Night Live to see Tina Fey impersonate Sarah Falin. It was hilarious. I even heard that Palin herself gave the performance a thumbs up. If you stayed tuned however, and you are a homeschooler, you may have very well been offended just two skits later. They used the standard school contest motif where two groups of students try to answer the most questions correctly. Homeschoolers, with biblical names and bad haircuts were on one side. Your average looking public school students were on the … Continue reading