It’s Crunch Time!

Whether you work from home or out of your home, it is virtually certain that at some point you will be faced with a deadline. How you will handle the pressure of needing to get something done by a certain point in time largely depends upon your individual circumstances. Having said that, there are a few general tips that those of us that work from home may find useful when we find ourselves in a time crunch. First, do not keep the fact that you have a deadline to meet a secret. Your spouse and children are not mind readers. … Continue reading

Penn, Teller, & James Randi

Last Friday, I watched “Don’t Forget the Lyrics.” I love trying to get the lyrics correct on this game show, but usually, I record it and fast forward through the unnecessary dialogue that occurs. I mean really, did Monty Hall have to do contestant family reunions to get ratings? Would Chuck Woolery have stalled like Howie Mandel does? No. But, this past week was a special charity episode featuring illusionists Penn &Teller. I’ve written about Penn & Teller before because they are not only amazing illusionists, but also hilarious. Because of this, I decided to watch the entire show. Penn … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review June 30th-July 5th

Thank you for joining us as we take a look back at the past week. You’ll want to visit “Dinner Discussions” to see what your family members are studying at church, and you won’t want to miss the First Presidency Message or the Visiting Teaching Message, either, which will help you with your home teaching and visiting teaching assignments. The Church has a wonderful program which circulates through the wards and stakes every couple of years to teach about the policy on adoption for unwed mothers. You can read more about it here. We started a new series on the … Continue reading

We Have No Need for Fortune Tellers

In today’s world, we hear a lot about psychics, fortune tellers, clairvoyants and the like who all have the answers to our problems. There is a lot of pressure to hear what our futures hold, to understand the mysteries of life, and to know what direction to take. Many good people have been led away into following after these practices, believing that they need this kind of information in order to survive in this confusing time. We as members of the Church have all the tools we need to make proper, right decisions without the need for these practices. First … Continue reading

Animal Folktales: Drakestail

This is a special story for me — when I was in sixth grade, I took part in a storytelling workshop at my local library. Of the kids at my library who participated, I was chosen to go and tell my story again at the main branch of the county library system. Of those storytellers, three were asked to go on local cable and tell their stories a third time. It was my first exposure to the magic of being a storyteller — and I have loved sharing stories ever since. This is the story I learned. Drakestail was a … Continue reading

The Magic of Storytelling

Once upon a time, before Mario Party, Zelda, and World of Warcraft, before Nintendo DS Lights, Wii, Sony Playstations, and video I-pods, and even before television and radio, there lived storytellers. Now, storytellers were an interesting breed of human beings, who looked pretty much like everybody else, except for a certain mysterious sparkle in their eyes. People, especially children, would eagerly gather around to hear their tales of enchantment, misfortune, romance, adventure, and luck. The storyteller was animated. The storyteller was passionate. She made her voice dance with magic and her face glow with expression. She took every listener along … Continue reading