Purpose in Prayer

Prayer is such an essential gift that the Lord has given us. It is our opportunity to communicate with Heavenly Father. However, it is too easy to allow prayer to become rote or mundane. Often we do not really communicate but rather mumble or rush through the obligatory prayer. This may be a result of not having a specific purpose when we pray. My six year old has been avoiding saying her prayers. I feel that she is old enough to say her prayers to herself and that she does not need my guidance. Lately she has been reluctant to … Continue reading

Trusting the Lord

One of the most difficult things to do is to trust in the Lord. I find this especially difficult because I also feel that I should try to do all that I can to help things to change. Sometimes we need to do something to work towards the answers. However there are times, when no matter what we do, we do not have the ability to help our prayers be answered. These times are when it takes the most trust in the Lord. When I experience a time like this in my life, I find that I am praying much … Continue reading

Personal Prayer

Prayer is truly a blessing in my life. I pray every day, but there are specific experiences when I can remember the prayers and answers clearly. These times strengthen me, because they demonstrated to me that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer my prayers. The answers were not immediate, but came shortly after the prayer, and I felt strengthened by the answers. At times you may be in situations for which you can find no solution. You may be looking for a job, trying to solve a conflict with a family member or planning for the future. As you … Continue reading

General Conference: “Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer”

In his talk “Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer” Elder Richard G Scott begins by explaining that prayer is a gift from God for each of us. He tells us that prayer gives us each the opportunity to speak to Heavenly Father, and to ask for guidance and blessings when we are in need of them. Everyone has been given this gift. Elder Scott then goes on to speak of how we are to pray. He says that prayer is the most effective when we maintain personal worthiness. He also says not to worry about how awkward you may feel … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Personal Prayer

This lesson is about personal prayer. It is based around Enos and his experience with prayer. This is a wonderful experience because you can use the example to teach on many levels. You should be able to draw points to teach the youngest Primary children and discussion for the most studied adult. You should open the lesson by sharing the story of Enos. You may want to read it as a family or your can use these flannel board figures to tell the story to young children. After you do this you can discuss the way that Enos prayed. If … Continue reading

Primary Time: Teaching Children About Personal Prayer

Personal prayer is an important concept to teach your children. We begin to teach our children to pray as soon as they are able to talk. It is important that the children truly understand the concept of prayer. It is also important that they begin to make the transition to a truly personal prayer where they begin to talk to their Heavenly Father and seek advice and help. Here are five tips to help. 1) Children learn best when they see you pray. When you have family prayer pray about the needs of your family, and the things that you … Continue reading

Praying for Others

One of the simplest and kindest things that we can do for others is to pray for them. This is as simple as including them in our daily prayers or it can include a special prayer on behalf of someone who needs it. When you are unsure about the best way to help someone you can simply say a prayer for him or her. At times you may be prompted on a course of action that you can take, and you may not. The times that you do receive a prompting in regards to your prayer you should act on … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 17

This week’s dinner discussions are based on week seventeen in the manuals. Primary lessons are one week behind. You may need to adjust the lessons according to your ward’s schedule. Be sure to keep the discussions upbeat and positive. You can also discuss the Sharing Time theme as well. If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned that he is blessed to have a body. They learned about Daniel refusing to eat the king’s food because it was bad for his body. They discussed all the things that their bodies can do and how to take care … Continue reading

Focus While You Pray

Prayer is a wonderful gift from Heavenly Father. It is our chance to communicate with Him. We can explain our feelings and listen to receive guidance, answers, and peace. It is too easy to take prayer lightly or to overlook praying. How many times do you rush out a hurried prayer or fall asleep in the middle of the prayer? How often does your mind wander off or you simply forget to pray? Lately I have been so tired (three sick children will do that to you) that I have been dreaming mid-prayer. I will have these very random elaborate … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1:2-5

In 1 Nephi 1:2, Nephi tells us that he makes this record in the language of his fathers, and then in verse 3, he bears us his testimony and stands as a witness that the things upon the plates are true. He says, speaking of the record, “and I make it according to my knowledge.” He doesn’t say, “I make it because my father told me to,” or “I make it based on stories my father related.” He says that he makes it according to his knowledge, meaning that he knows, for himself personally, that the things he wrote are … Continue reading