Top 10 Signs Someone Has Just Come Off a Mission

Every member ought to be a missionary, but face it, those who have just returned from their missions really stand out. Here are just a few clues that the person you met at church has just been released from serving a full time mission. 1. In every activity, from ward car washes to cleaning up a park, they show up in their Sunday best. Suits and ties for the men, full length dresses and hose for the women – even on the hottest summer day! 2. You ask them what their name is and they introduce themselves as Elder or … Continue reading

Top Ten Articles You Will Never See In the Ensign

Every month, we have the opportunity to have a wonderful magazine delivered to our doorsteps. Inside, we can find uplifting and inspiring articles to help us on our spiritual walk. We can read stories of how people applied the gospel in their day-to-day lives. We can find talks to help us with our Sunday School and Relief Society preparation. We can learn about the church around the world. But there are many things we won’t find in the church magazine. Here are just a few titles that you may as well not send in, since we will never find them … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Tell You Have a Perfect Marriage

Every marriage has its ups and downs, right? Sometimes we look at another couple in the church and think, gosh, they are the perfect couple. I wish my spouse and I could be like them. But how do you know if you are one of those mythical folks that others envy? Here are some ways to tell if your marriage is the ideal Mormon one. 1. You don’t just finish each other’s sentences, you start them. 2. Since your children never see the two of you fight (not because you hide it, but because you guys just aren’t fighting), they … Continue reading

Get Off My Bench!

If you are like most Latter-day Saints I have observed, you probably tend to sit in the same seat every Sunday. Every once in awhile, you walk into the chapel and realize that someone (probably a new person or a visitor) has committed the unpardonable sin – they have sat in your spot! Of course, you don’t want to be rude, but how can you get them to move without looking like a complete and total idiot? 1. Walk over them. Go up to the row and start to sit down, then freeze and say, “Oops, I didn’t see you.” … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways NOT To Visit Teach!

Visiting teaching is a serious and important calling, and one that should be considered with the utmost gravity. No joking allowed. Over and over we’ve read lessons, listened to talks, and prayerfully considered how we can improve our visiting teaching. Today, however, I’d like to help you by sharing just a few humorous ways NOT to make your service to your sisters a little better. As you evaluate how you are doing with visiting teaching, make sure that you are NOT doing one of these things. If you are, well, I’ll just grateful that you are not my visiting teacher! … Continue reading

Ten Ways to Know You’ll Never Be Relief Society President

It’s March, the month of the Relief Society birthday! We’re examining the history of several Relief Society presidents. You don’t have to be called to the position to know that this is a time and energy-intensive calling, even on a branch or ward level. Hats off to all of our sisters who serve so diligently and with so much love! Still, there are some callings that you just know you won’t be suitable. Here are ten ways that you can know the Bishop will never call you as the Relief Society President. 1. You take a cup of coffee with … Continue reading

Young at Heart

My husband’s grandparents are quintessential Latter-day Saints. Descended from plain-crossing pioneers, they had seven children over aproximately twenty-one years. My mother-in-law was their first child. When my husband, the first grandchild was born, he was only four years younger than his youngest aunt. Since this was about the same spacing they had between the rest of their kids, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised when Grandma told me at our first meeting that my husband “was really her son.” At the time, I thought she was joking, but after only spending a little while with their family as we … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways You Know Your Kids Are Learning the Gospel

We try and try to teach our kids about the gospel of Christ, but we never really know if they hear us. We dream about them coming to us at the age of thirty, having served a mission and been sealed in the temple, and telling us that they were listening every single time. But in the here and now, we have very little ways of knowing if our teachings are actually absorbed. And then there are the times we wish they hadn’t. Here are ten ways you know that your kids really are listening to the gospel lessons you … Continue reading

Top 10 Things You Don’t Want to Hear From Your Kids During Sacrament

The chapel is quiet. Every head is reverently bowed as men and women around you ponder the Savior’s atonement. Even the children seem to grasp the solemn nature of the divine gift from above. Then, suddenly, to your horror, your child makes an announcement that echoes through the silent room. Kids have a tendency to be oblivious to things that make their parents blush. They also seem to enjoy making the pronouncements in as a loud a voice as possible, particularly when everyone else can hear them. If you’re lucky, your kids won’t think to make one of these pronouncements: … Continue reading

Top 10 Reasons to Be Glad Your Neighbors Are Mormon

Sure, everyone runs and hides when the missionaries come knocking, but you know there are times when you’re glad your neighbors are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1. You mention in the morning that you have the sniffles and a slight cough. Your neighbor shows up the door that night with three course dinner and a smile. 2. You get lots of free movies. Sure, they are religious movies, but who knows when they will come in handy? It seems like every time the church magazine mails out a new one, your neighbor brings it … Continue reading