Need A Spiritual Boost?

I have spoken before about my experience attending Time Out for Women a few years ago. It is a great way to re-charge spiritually and get that extra boost you need to continue on your way at being a better mom, wife, and daughter of God. I loved the talks, and treasure the notes I took during them. I read them every once in a while to remember the spiritual thoughts I had during those talks. I especially loved hearing Hillary Weeks. One of my favorite LDS artists. But, we can’t always make it to TOFW can we? Well, I … Continue reading

Spiritually Nourish Your Family

As parents we are always striving to care for children. Often times this will focus on caring for them physically. We make sure that they have food to eat and get adequate rest. We take them to the doctor and teach them how to take care of themselves. But are we focused on caring for our children’s spiritual needs on a regular basis? It is important to take time each day to help your children spiritually. The easiest and most basic way to do this is to have family prayer and scripture study. Family home evening also gives you the … Continue reading

Spiritual Experiences

As I look back on my life I have a handful of moments that helped me to define my faith. These moments came often during times of great inner turmoil, as I struggled with a decision or through a difficult situation. Fortunately I was prepared to handle these moments. As a young child my mother and father taught me to turn to the Lord in times of need. I learned that when I prayed that He was listening and that He would answer me. As a parent now I am striving to teach my children the skills of personal prayer … Continue reading

The Spiritual Moments

It is important to take time to create spiritual moments for your children. These moments can help them to gain testimonies, and to lay up in store times and memories of love of comfort. When I say create I do not mean to contrive to make the moments happen, rather you need to allow the opportunities to come. You need to provide an environment that allows this to happen. Here are four suggestions on preparing your family and home for spiritual moments. 1) It is easier to feel the spirit in quiet moments. Make sure that your family has some … Continue reading

Defining Moments

Elder Joseph B Wirthlin speaks about defining moments in his talk “Life’s Lessons Learned.” His examples made me start thinking about my own defining moments in life. I have had quite a few. As I look back on these moments I have realized that they are moments when my testimony became solid are certain issues in the gospel, and as I have faced trials again I can look back at those moments and receive strength from them. It is important to take time to recognize these moments and record them in your journal. Elder Wirthlin said that you often do … Continue reading

Creating the Quiet Teaching Moments in Your Home

Some of the most important teaching moments come in the day-to day moments that you spend with your children. They can come when one of your children comes and asks you an important question or they may come as your children observe the way you handle a particular problem or situation. It is important that allow these opportunities to happen. The first thing you need to do to allow these moments to happen is to be available to your children. This means taking time to listening to what they are saying on a daily basis. It also means letting your … Continue reading

Equipping Children for Spiritual Battle

Today many children are learning the devil is nothing more than a make-believe story character. Unfortunately, those who believe this are very mistaken. I believe children need to know truth as is appropriate for their age and maturity. Satan doesn’t wait until our children are older to torment them with his wicked ways. I believe we as parents have an obligation to do spiritual battle for our children through prayer as well as equip them as necessary to stand up during those moments of temptation we aren’t aware of. When I was six years old, I asked my Grandma if … Continue reading

Buddhism For Mothers

A couple of days ago I started reading a very helpful parenting book. While this book has not helped me to solve any of my current toddler parenting dilemmas just yet, it has helped me to begin approaching them in a slightly different way. Before I launch into my description of the book and why I am enjoying it, I will offer up my favorite piece of parenting advice. That advice is to take what is useful and discard the rest. There is no one perfect parenting solution that will work for all families, so it is up to you … Continue reading

Teaching Values to Your Children

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home and told me that a girl at school was being a bully at recess. Of course, I asked a million questions trying to get more details regarding what happened. It seemed to me after talking about it for a long time, that this other 1st grader was trying to tease my daughter because of something that my daughter said. I finally realized that it was mostly innocent child’s play (although a little aggressive), but at the same time, I used it as a teaching opportunity to tell my children again that if they don’t … Continue reading

Fit with Forgiveness

Have you ever considered forgiveness as part of your fitness plan? If you haven’t, you just might want to after reading this blog. In my view, a fit lifestyle is one that encompasses every area of an individual’s life. It relates to your physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and mental being. I liken it to a wheel with five spokes. If any one of those spokes is missing, the wheel becomes unbalanced. So in fitness you can’t just concern yourself with the physical aspect. You have to look at your overall health and this is where forgiveness comes in. Consider what … Continue reading