The Proclamation on the Family — David J. Ridges

My husband and I were married on August 31, 1995, in the Salt Lake temple. Both of us came from broken homes and we wanted to make our marriage a success, but we didn’t have personal examples to follow and we felt like we were flying a bit blind. Less than one month later, in September of 1995, the First Presidency issued “A Proclamation to the World on the Family,” and we felt as though we’d been given a personal map to correctly chart our course. “The Proclamation” as given to us by the First Presidency takes all the beliefs, … Continue reading

What Lessons Did I Teach

What has divorce taught our children about love? I worry about what my divorce has taught Hailey about love and marriage. Unfortunately, most of the people she knows have been divorced, at least once. What does this teach our kids? When I was growing up all of my friends parents were married, my grandparents, aunts and uncles, were all married, to their original spouses. The only divorced person I knew was my mother. It’s the opposite for Hailey, she knows hardly anyone with an intact family. There are a few here and there but it seems they are the exception … Continue reading

Mormons and Divorce – Part Four: Nevertheless . . .

As I’ve posted the blogs in this series, I’ve presented the very real fact that Mormons get divorced. In 2000, a study was held that stated 6% of temple marriages end in divorce. I’ll wager the percentage is higher now, although lower than the national average which currently stands at around 50%. Mormons do get divorced. It is possible. It’s also something that can be done without receiving condemnation from the Church—the act of divorce, in and of itself, is not a sin which needs to be repented of. Instead, it’s the actions that lead to the divorce that constitute … Continue reading