Health and Spirituality

How does having the spirit with you affect your health, and how does your health affect your ability to feel the spirit? In a Sunday school class I recently received a list of things that indicate whether or not you are feeling the spirit. I have edited the list to be slightly shorter than the original. This list is by Elder Marvin J Ashton. It reads: When you have the Spirit You feel in control, you don’t over-eat or over-sleep; you don’t feel uncontrollable passions or desires or lose your temper. You don’t feel uncontrollably drawn to sensational entertainment. You … Continue reading

Physical Health Affects Your Spiritual Health

Have you felt spiritually sluggish lately? Is your temper a little too short? And does it seem like nothing is going the right way? You may need to take some time to focus on your physical health to bring your spirit back into balance. It is important to realize that if you are not taking care of yourself, that your spirituality and all other aspects of your life are going to fall out of balance. You should focus first on getting enough sleep. It is amazing how important sleep really it. You will think more clearly with enough sleep. You … Continue reading

The Physical Laws in Spirituality

Yesterday in Relief Society the teacher was discussing the things necessary to feel the spirit. She brought up an excellent point that our ability to feel the spirit is affected by physical laws as well. So often we focus only on being worthy of feeling the spirit, and doing the spiritual things to help yourself be open to feeling the promptings of the spirit that we forget that there is more to it. When you are tired, cranky or hungry, you are less able to focus on the spiritual promptings that may come. It is important that you take are … Continue reading

Spouses and Differing Spiritual Wavelengths

Sometimes you go on a spiritual quest that your spouse supports, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you’re in the same spiritual boat as your spouse, sometimes you’re not. Because of the big changes our marriage has incurred recently due to my mom moving in with us, lately Wayne and I have been having a lot of discussions about my spiritual beliefs. Why just mine? Because Wayne has fewer than I do. Also, mine tend to guide my decisions, and Wayne doesn’t always agree with the decisions I make. (i.e. If you read my article in which I examined control issues, interpret … Continue reading

The Benefits of Being in the Same Spiritual Boat (Or Not)

In Marriage and Spiritual Quests I wrote about how once upon a time I set out in search of spirituality. And found it. But Wayne was concerned I’d make him adopt whatever way I decided upon too. While there is much to be said for sharing the same faith as your spouse, there is also much to be said for not sharing one too. Wayne and I have experienced both realms. Neither Wayne nor I can claim a denomination. Just as my parents were raised Catholic and that’s the first church I was ever introduced to (just not formally), Wayne’s … Continue reading

Marriage and Spiritual Quests

Are you and your spouse of the same faith? Did you convert to his religion in order to marry, or did she convert to yours? (If you came from different ones.) Or maybe neither of you had one before marriage and adopted one together. Or maybe you didn’t. Right after Wayne and I first got married I’d pass churches and feel guilty I didn’t have a religion. “Maybe we should see about finding a church?” I once ventured. “Maybe we shouldn’t. Why start going now anyway? You never wanted to before.” I couldn’t put my finger on what was happening … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: The Word of Wisdom

One question that invariably comes up when one is learning about the Church is that of the Word of Wisdom. In 1833, Joseph Smith received a revelation that coffee, tea, alcohol and other strong drinks are not good for man’s use, and that tobacco was also not healthy. The revelation also contained such advice as to eat meat sparingly except for during the winter or when there was little else to be had, relying instead on grains, fruits, and vegetables. The revelation was at first given as a suggestion, but during Brigham Young’s presidency, it was made a commandment. What … Continue reading

Winter and the Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom outlines things that we can do to better care for our bodies. While the Word of Wisdom outlines many things that we should not take into our bodies (tea, coffee, alcohol, and smoking), it also suggests things that we should be doing to better care for our bodies. There is something about the winter months that seem to make it more difficult to focus on caring for our bodies. The Word of Wisdom emphasizes the importance of eating well. Here are five things you can do in the winter to help you follow the spirit of … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review September 1-September 7

We’ve had a great week here in the LDS section of In case you missed any blogs, here is a recap: In “Humbled or Picked On?” Tristi talked about the meaning of humility and how being humble in our trials can bring us closer to Christ. In “Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 33,” Miriam told us the study focus for our children for the week, in the different age groups. In “Asking Heavenly Father for Help,” Tristi discussed the reasons why we need to pray for help instead of just expecting it to appear. In “The Physical Laws in Spirituality,” … Continue reading

Are You Preparing in All Areas of Your Life?

We are commanded to prepare ourselves for upcoming trials and storms. The counsel to prepare our families both temporally and spiritually is pretty strong today. I am sure that you have thought about food storage and financial preparedness. I have also written extensively about spiritual preparedness. It is also important to consider how prepared you are physically to withstand the disasters and stress that may come your way. The Word of Wisdom gives counsel on the proper way to care for your body. We are also counseled to get enough rest and to exercise so that our body stays in … Continue reading