The non-Latter-day Saint Dictionary

Last week, Andrea left a comment regarding a commonly-used LDS word that she didn’t know. As I considered it, I realized there are multiple phrases we Mormons use that would leave most people scratching their head in confusion. Personally, I think it is because of top-secret plan. Considering all of the persecution the church received in its early days, a separate language would be super-helpful in making sure that we can break off and form our own country should we have any other problems. I’ll have to think some more about this plan and perhaps clue you all in on … Continue reading

LDS Acronyms

Last week, we talked about the secret language Latter-day Saints are slowly developing. This week, I’d like to continue my status as Bendict Arnold and share a few acronyms that might crop up in Mormon conversations or blogs. Soon, you, too, will be able to communicate with Latter-day Saints. LDS – The most obvious of acronyms, LDS stands for “Latter-day Saint”, which is, in itself, a condensed version of the church’s true name, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.” However, if you identify a member of the church as a Latter-day Saint, 99.99% of the people you talk … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 15-21

From seminary to tithing to LDS secrets, this week carried with it a number of blogs sure to help and entertain you. Gospel Doctrine: In What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us, we discussed the impact of the resurrection in our lives. In Witness of the Resurrected Lord, we discussed various people who saw the Lord following His resurrection. In Doubting Thomas, we considered the disciples who doubted news of Christ’s resurrection. In The Value of the Old Testament, we discuss the relevance of the first book of the bible. In Did Not Our Hearts Burn?, we discussed the … Continue reading

Favorite LDS Doctrinal Books

Each religious sect is blessed to have books written by knowledgeable members of their church that define and clarify different points of doctrine. I would like to share with you, in no particular order, some books written for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that I have particularly enjoyed. I invite you to share doctrinal books from other sects in the comment trail as well. 1. “The Miracle of Forgiveness” by Spencer W. Kimball. This book outlines the meaning of sin, the consequences of it, and the way back to full fellowship. While there is a … Continue reading

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

As Latter-day Saints, we have been told that “the song of the righteous is a prayer” unto God (D&C 25:12). The scriptures themselves are littered with songs – from the Song of Solomon and the Psalms in the Old Testament to ‘the psalm of Nephi’ which, though not a song, certainly sings to the soul. At the same time, many of us spend our lives surrounded with ‘regular’ music. Whether we listen to the radio in the car, or to tapes (does anyone still listen to those?) or CDs at home, or just sing along with our kids, music is … Continue reading