The Mormon Mom Blog Squad

There really could be a squad for all the Mormon Mommy Bloggers out there. Actually, it would be more like an army, not a squadron. But, that’s beside the point. I recently wrote an article titled, Mormon Mommy Blogs, that talks about the obsession with these blogs. I have to admit, I’m part of that obsession. Sometimes, I find myself looking at these blogs and my head is spinning. After all, I’m a MM Blogger too. I don’t have advertising, and sponsors, and loads of followers. I secretly might want all of that though. I don’t know, maybe I don’t. … Continue reading

Mormon Musicians

I am not one to be very hip with the music scene whether it be in or out of the church. However, it seems like lately, I’ve been hearing about a few LDS artists that I love, and am thinking that I need to be more in tune with the music scene. After all, many of these artists play often in UT, or are from UT, and it would be fun to go to some local concerts and hear them. The first one that I want to share is probably not “new” to a lot of people, but she’s new … Continue reading

A Misunderstood Religion

I feel like maybe I’ve written this article before, just with different words, or a slightly different spin on things, but the bottom line is clear to me. I’m a member of a misunderstood religion. I recently read an online article titled, “Mormons Using the Web to Control Their Own Image“. In the age of Mormon Mommy Blogs, and twitter, facebook, and a plethora of other avenues for Mormons’ voices to be heard, why are we still so misunderstood? This article was actually speaking to the church as an organization making every effort to steer the average google user toward … Continue reading

Feeling the Spirit in Any Calling

Some people may say that if you are called to a certain calling like Nursery, or Primary, that you may not get that much out of your Sundays. You are too busy teaching others to get anything out of it yourself. I think that is not true though. It is all about what we put into it, and what we want to take away that depends on how much we feel the Spirit. This past week in Primary, I felt the spirit very strongly. I did not have to do the sharing time. It was one of my counselor’s turns. … Continue reading

Getting More Out of Easter Sunday

It is easy to think of the easter bunny, and candy on Easter Sunday. We might rush around to make sure our kids’ easter baskets are filled, that we’ve dyed the easter eggs, and that we’ve hidden them quietly for our children to find the next morning. But, do we put the same amount of effort into discussing with them why we are doing all of this in the first place? Is Easter really about the Easter bunny? Of course, we know it’s not. I was looking on the church website today and found some very inspirational videos that will … Continue reading

Children Teach Us to Appreciate

Yesterday, for family home evening, we decided to talk about the earth, and how it was created. This is a simple topic for our 4 year old. I asked her what she knew about the earth. She said, that she knew that it, “turns, and circles around the sun, and that half of it is in the daytime, and half is in the night time” I was amazed at how much she already knew. I then asked her, “Do you know who created the earth?” She said, “Jesus”. Children do not take things for granted. Every day is a new … Continue reading

Treasures in Heaven

The lesson in Sunday school this past week really got me thinking about where my heart is, and what I can change in my own personal life. Isn’t that the point of studying the scriptures? To help us see ourselves, and help us improve. So, we were studying in Matthew, Chapter 6, and we were discussing verses 20 and 21, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” The question was posed, “How … Continue reading

Raising a Family in Utah When You Swore You Never Would

I did not grow up in Utah. In fact, I am very proud of the fact that I am a southern girl from Texas. Although, many Utahns that I run in to these days don’t hear an accent anymore, and don’t even realize I’m not one of their own. I used to say all the time that I would never live in UT. I thought it was full of cookie cutter mormons that all think and act and do the same thing. That was until I moved to UT. My experience has only been living in Salt Lake City. So, … Continue reading

Muslims Worship in LDS Church

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we should be the most tolerant people in the world. We know what it means to be like Christ. He loved everyone, no matter what their background. They were sinners, adulterers, haters, murderers, and He loved them. He loved those and forgave those that crucified Him. So, we have that perfect example. Why don’t we reach out more? Why don’t we take the time as LDS members of the church to get to know those people that are different than us. Serve them? One congregation in Missouri is setting … Continue reading

A Secret Nursery

I have a son that goes to the nursery, and he loves it. He gets to play, and run around, and have fun during the first two hours of church. But, somehow, during Sacrament meeting, which is last in my ward, he still manages to be a handful. He is tired, hungry, ready for a nap, and ends up just wanting to squirm in our laps for the entire last hour of church. It can be exhausting. There was one Sunday not too long ago where I just turned to my husband after 45 minutes of kids crying, getting up … Continue reading