The Importance of Staying Connected

Today was one of those days where I would have been wise to heed my own advice. How many of us, when we have time and space to do so, think of wonderful ways to approach parenting and then as soon as the kids wake up the next morning and we are launched into action promptly forget them? It happens to me more often than I would like to admit, and it happened today. Last night, I was really thinking about ways to focus on maintaining a strong connection with my boys throughout the hustle and bustle of the holidays. … Continue reading

Anniversaries and Date Nights Part II

My husband and I are really horrible at taking the time to spend time together as a couple. The predominant rationalization that we make is that the cost involved with going on dates is too prohibitive. Getting a sitter, going to a moving, or going to a restaurant seem to be very cost prohibitive for our budget. It is especially hard for me to justifying eating out when we can make much higher quality and healthier foods (that in my opinion tastes much better) for a fraction of the cost than we can get at any of our local dining … Continue reading

Anniversaries and Date Nights

My husband and I recently celebrated six years of marriage. Before we had children, my husband and I would celebrate our anniversary by spending the entire day together focusing on each other, but our time together has drastically changed after we had children. Celebrating our anniversary is about all we do. It is rare for us to get a babysitter so that the two of us can have a date night. For the first five years of our marriage we were in the throngs of a very intense graduate program which demanded more time and money than one could imagine. … Continue reading

Making The Night Shift Work For Your Family

Yesterday I talked a little bit about parents who choose to work the night shift. If you are wondering how it works on a practical level, I have decided to discuss that today. After trying a couple of different approaches to adjusting your family’s schedule to accommodate a parent working the night shift at home you will most likely find a solution that works for your family. When a family or a couple thinks of each day as a twenty four hour period of time, it is easier to find creative ways to do or have the things that you … Continue reading

The Importance of Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

With all of the technological innovations that have come into common use in recent years, it’s easier than ever to run a business from home. While technology is an essential part of any home based business, the 24/7 instant access that it provides may leave you feeling like you can never completely “unplug” from your business. The question is, what effect does being on-demand, all the time have on your business and personal life, and how can you balance being available for your business with being available for your family, yourself, and your life. An unfortunate consequence of the instant … Continue reading

Protecting Date Night

The leaders of the church have requested that we set aside each Friday night as date night for couples. This is a night when you are supposed to work on the most important relationship in your family. The relationship between husband and wife really cements the family together. If this relationship is solid it is easier to deal with everything else that comes at you as a family. It can be very frustrating to have this night undermined. I have seen ward activities scheduled on Friday nights, committee meetings and other church related activities. I have also seen families who … Continue reading

Date for Your Family’s Sake

The importance that the church places on families is huge. With the emphasis that the church places on families it is important to realize that marriage is the foundation of your family. Often it is easy to become too wrapped up in the children, and let your marriage just drift apart. This can end up in divorce, which can destroy families. This is one of the main reasons why the church also emphasizes the importance of date night every week. There are many reasons why you may not have a weekly date night with your spouse. It may be that … Continue reading

It’s a Date – Touring the Lights Fantastic

For my husband and myself, one of our favorite things to do every holiday season is to pick an evening when it’s cool or cold outside (in Texas, sometimes you just have to settle for cool) and we pack ourselves into the car with cups of hot cocoa and go for a long drive. We accent the ambience by cranking up the Christmas tunes. It’s Not Quite Caroling While we are not out singing to our neighbors, we are singing to each other or singing along with each other as we cruise the neighborhood and many others, looking at all … Continue reading

Holiday Date Night – Celebrate with Christmas Movies

Are you looking for a great way to spend a holiday date night? Last year, my mother-in-law invited our daughter over to spend the night at her house and let my husband and I have an evening to ourselves. We spent the evening wrapping up the presents and watching holiday movies together. We talked, we laughed and we even hashed out a couple of misunderstandings. There are a lot of holiday movies out there that are perfect for the holiday date night and they are great for just you and your spouse or for the whole family. Here is a … Continue reading

The Importance of Your Date Night

We spend a lot of time here – okay, I spend a lot of time here discussing different date night ideas, offering suggestions and even discussing films and television shows that might be selected for date night viewing. Why is date night so important to married couples? Because many of us are often so busy that we forget that having fun with each other is as important as being able to discuss what is troubling us, paying our bills, getting the household chores done and more. In fact, without the ability to have fun together – our marriage and time … Continue reading