LDS Week in Review September 1-September 7

We’ve had a great week here in the LDS section of In case you missed any blogs, here is a recap: In “Humbled or Picked On?” Tristi talked about the meaning of humility and how being humble in our trials can bring us closer to Christ. In “Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 33,” Miriam told us the study focus for our children for the week, in the different age groups. In “Asking Heavenly Father for Help,” Tristi discussed the reasons why we need to pray for help instead of just expecting it to appear. In “The Physical Laws in Spirituality,” … Continue reading

The Idols We Choose For Ourselves

In ancient days, men and women showed their devotion to their gods by holding sacrifices in their honor. Those gods were often symbolized by idols, either in the form of the god or in a shape the god would find pleasing. With the coming of Jesus Christ, mankind was taught that idol worship is wrong, and that there is only one true God. As Latter-day Saints, we don’t erect statues of gold or bronze to honor our gods – we recognize that our God wants a different kind of sacrifice, that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. But … Continue reading

The Ten Commandments Series: The Second Commandment

The second commandment, as found in the King James version of the Bible, Exodus 20:4-6 reads: 4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6. And shewing mercy unto … Continue reading

The Ten Commandments Series: The First Commandment

Let’s take a closer look into each of the Ten Commandments, as found in the King James Version of the Bible, Book of Exodus, Chapter Twenty. The first commandment reads, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” There are several meanings to this simple sentence. First, we are not to worship any other gods. We do not worship Baal, or Asherah, or any of the heathen gods of Biblical times. We worship God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. We do not give any allegiance to idols or icons. Secondly, we are to be devoted in our … Continue reading

His Infinite Patience

Imagine you’re watching a new baby learn how to walk. She pulls herself up and wobbles around, trying to find her center of balance. She takes a hesitant step forward, only to lose control and flop backward on her bottom Do you get angry with her? Of course not. She’s just a baby, and she has so much to learn. No matter how many times she gets up and tries again, only to fall, you are patient with her. You know that in time, she’ll figure it all out, and you’re content for that day to arrive. Now imagine our … Continue reading

Holiness vs. Legalism: Drawing the Line? My Conclusion

In part 1 I shared my struggle with drawing the line between holiness and legalism. I touched on the way we dress and music. Then in part 2, I talked a bit about churches which seem to miss the mark as well as celebration of holidays and who we choose to associate with. I’ve by no means come to a final conclusion in my heart. I don’t know that I ever will because God is constantly growing me. Once I think I have something figured out, God unveils something else for me and I realize I am still just a … Continue reading