Balancing Blogging and Mothering

I squinted to make sense of scattered letters through the glare on my screen.  Focused attempts at deciphering HTML became distracted by bursts of giggling from the other side of my window.  Rejoicing from finally making a text box that scrolled, I missed a small excited voice asking me to “look at me”.  Dripping hair and sopping wet footsteps ran inside to beckon me to join their mini water park complete with a blow up monkey pool.  Promising just five more minutes I shooed away wet fingers from my computer.  Next I looked up and the time for sprinklers, popsicles, and water slides … Continue reading

‘Blessings’ Founder Faces Prison

As recent events grimly reminded us, good and evil are often intertwined and that can also be true of social consciousness. I was sad to read recently that Stan Curtis, the man who founded “Blessings in a Backpack” is facing counts of tax fraud and money laundering. “Blessing in a Backpack” is an incredible program that was started by Curtis, a stockbroker who grew up orphaned.  Each week, the program sends backpacks filled with food items such as peanut butter, tuna, crackers, and cereal home with school children who live in food insecure households.  The food is donated by local companies … Continue reading

Be Thankful for Your Blessings

Until we became a military family, I never quite understood the sacrifice that they paid. I knew it in theory but now it has become so much more real. We are giving up the presence of our son at the Thanksgiving table this year. It is hard for everyone to accept the first of what will likely be many holidays without him. It has given me such a greater appreciation for their service to our country and the families who are without their loved ones. Suddenly thankfulness has taken on a whole new meaning. While I have always appreciated my … Continue reading

Teaching Values to Your Children

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home and told me that a girl at school was being a bully at recess. Of course, I asked a million questions trying to get more details regarding what happened. It seemed to me after talking about it for a long time, that this other 1st grader was trying to tease my daughter because of something that my daughter said. I finally realized that it was mostly innocent child’s play (although a little aggressive), but at the same time, I used it as a teaching opportunity to tell my children again that if they don’t … Continue reading

Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed

There is this Bible verse I have read many times and often wondered, “What would that feel like as a mom?” Which verse am I talking about? It is found in Proverbs 31:28: “Her children arise and call her blessed…” This basically means that the mother’s children recognize her efforts. I mean, what mother wouldn’t want that? I have heard many moms of adult children say that it isn’t until they start having children that they seem to get it. So I have tucked that away in my heart, holding it until the day it happens. However, I was blessed … Continue reading

Back To School Blessings

It is often a tradition in many mormon homes to give back to school blessings at the beginning of each school year. Or, at least it was in mine. I don’t remember anything that was said in those blessings, but I remember feeling peace each time my Father would lay his hands on my head and reassure me that the year would go smoothly. I remember feeling safe, and warm, and knowing that not only did my earthly Father love me, but my Heavenly Father did too. Giving your children back to school blessings is a great way to calm … Continue reading

Mixed Blessing

My son is an only child. At three years old he would much rather play with an adult than a child. With him starting kindergarten in a year and a half I was getting a little worried about the new social aspect it would bring. He hasn’t been around a lot of kids. He has a few cousins, but I usually find him playing by himself. It’s easier that way; less sharing. I wanted to be sure that he would be able to make some friends at school, but I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation. With our busy … Continue reading

Blessings in a Backpack

I devour PEOPLE magazine every week and have for more years than I care to say. This week, the magazine had an interesting article about people trying to help out those who are hungry, mainly children. Stats show that about 16 million children are in what is called “food insecure’ homes. That is, there are times when these children are hungry and there is no food. Tama Clapper made a vow that no child in Gillette, Wyoming (pop. 30,000) would go hungry. She was inspired when told by a school principal that about 50 of the 430 children in the … Continue reading

Ringing in the New Year…With or Without My Children

It is one of my most favorite times of the year, New Year’s Eve. My family has always had a tradition of spending it together. We splurge on food items like lobster, shrimp or steak. I stock up on plenty of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice. And I always buy a new game for us to play. Most years we also watch a “Three Stooges” marathon. Some years we toast the New Year in while sitting in our hot tub. Other years my eyes are barely open as the clock strikes midnight. But the point is that we are always together. … Continue reading

Count Your Blessings

I don’t consider myself a selfish person. Of course, none of us believes we are selfish or spoiled or any other negative adjective, but my thoughts on that are changing. I’ve been whining, yes, whining about how hard it is to be a single parent, to raise a child on one income, to not have any time for myself and on and on it goes. I think we are all guilty of complaining, at least I hope so, I would hate to be the only one. I belong to a meetup group and every year they do some charity thing, … Continue reading