Confessions of a Completely Insane Mother – Kersten Campbell

I recently read “Confessions of a Completely Insane Mother by Kersten Campbell. Kersten is the mother of five and a convert to the church. This book is a collection of essays of her reflections on motherhood and the church. As Kersten says in her introduction she has “seasoned each story with a generous helping of hyperbole.” The result is a great bunch of essays that had me laughing out loud. I read this book over Easter weekend when I was spending time with family. It’s a great book to read in busy situations or when you need a quick pick … Continue reading

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers – Maria Covey Cole

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers by Maria Covey Cole is book written to help mothers who are struggling to find peace and happiness in their roles as mothers. Maria Covey Cole is the mother of five children and a homemaker. She speaks from experience. This book covered six different concepts or steps that every mother needs to master in order to find true contemned in her role as a mother. These concepts cover everything from trusting the Lord and gaining an eternal perspective to learning to be content in your current situation and learning to accept the Grace of … Continue reading

Tender Mercies: Stories to Stir the Soul – Joy Robinson

“Tender Mercies: Stories to Stir the Soul” is a beautiful compilation book by Joy Robinson in which she has gathered stories from men and women from various different backgrounds that show how the Lord is mindful of us in our every need and how He showers us with tender mercies constantly. Stories in this uplifting volume include the account of a woman whose heart was touched upon hearing of the children who are taken from abusive homes and placed in foster care, often with just the clothing on their backs. She created CUDDLE Outreach, a program which provides handmade quilts … Continue reading