Visiting Teaching Message-General Conference

For the month of November, we are asked to pick a general conference talk as our message to share with the sisters that we visit teach. I tend to try and think of things I need to hear again, study, or revisit when making a decision of which talk to share. The talk, “The Privilege of Prayer” by J. Devn Cornish came into my mind this time. His talk started out with a story about how his prayers were answered with a quarter he found on the sidewalk when he was in desperate need of a piece of fried chicken … Continue reading

Teaching with Simplicity

This past Sunday was my turn to do sharing time. It had been 2 weeks since I had been to church, and I was looking forward to it. I had a cool game planned, and knew the kids would have so much fun. However, the subject was the word of wisdom, and I felt strongly that they needed to hear the doctrine of the word of wisdom before playing the game so that they understood. We had older kids pair up with younger ones and did the simplest lesson. We pulled out our scriptures and read and talked together from … Continue reading

Addiction Recovery Program is Now Online

The church has recently launched a new portion of its website for the addiction recovery program. I, myself, have never attended these meetings. I have always thought that it was just for those who suffered from addiction to pornography or substance abuse. But, in fact, this program is much more than that. If you are thinking that it might be like your typical AA meeting, think again. The meetings are run in a loving, hope filled environment. No one is expected to confess their sins to a large group of people, and in fact, you don’t even have to be … Continue reading

Preparing for Sharing Time

Since I am in the primary presidency, part of my responsibilities include preparing sharing time every third week. I usually find that Saturday night, I am looking over the sharing time, and throwing things together. But, seeing as we have a small group, it usually always works out fine. However, I’ve been thinking lately about ways that I can prepare more for these little lessons I give each week. After all, I truly believe that we are, “teaching children, not lessons” and it is more about being prepared in spirit rather than having the perfect prop or gimmick for the … Continue reading

Resources for Children on

As the primary president in my ward, and mother of three little ones, I’m always looking for ideas for lessons, sharing time, family home evening, etc. I have spoken before about the great website But, it looks like the church is beefing up their website a bit to contain similar resources for parents, families, and teachers looking for additional materials online. They have created a new section of the website dedicated to children’s resources. It can be found here. I know that I am personally excited to explore what there is to offer, and what they will be adding … Continue reading

Primary Rewards

So, our primary is very small as I’ve mentioned before. Every kid usually gets more than his or her fair share of chances to do the talk, scripture and prayers in primary. But, I noticed a trend in our ward. There was a small handful of kids that kept volunteering for the talk and scripture each week, but would come unprepared the following week. This was frustrating me. The prior presidency told me that they always had a talk on hand in case a child came unprepared, but it had turned into every single week we were reading talks from … Continue reading

How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Children

Product: How to Have a H.E.A.R.T For Your Kids by: Rachael Carman Target Audience: Homeschool Moms Format: Book Publisher: Apologia Cost: $13.00 After being a homeschool mom for nine years I can tell you all about the ups and downs. I can share the tears and the joy. I would tell you that my homeschool is based on God, excellence, and academics. I would tell you my focus is on family and training up young soldiers for God’s army. While I mean every word of it if you came to my house on a trying day you may not see … Continue reading

Back to the Scriptures

I’ve been thinking lately about making a confession. Well, it’s not really a confession, seeing as technically, we don’t confess to others in our church, but I have been feeling lately that I need to start reading my scriptures more. Do you do this? Do you go through cycles where you do really good, and then for one reason or another, you trail off, and stop reading altogether? I do. And, I’m ashamed to admit, that I’m skipping reading my scriptures a lot more than I should these days. The theme this year in primary is “I know the scriptures … Continue reading

A Thomas Jefferson Education

Recently, a method of education was brought to my attention which grabbed my interest. The method is a purposeful approach to education with the goal of creating independent and creative minds. That method is the Thomas Jefferson Education. When I embarked on homeschooling, my goal was to educate my children in an environment that fostered creativity, independence and critical thought. Through the years, I have adopted many different methods to fit different learning styles or phases of my children’s lives. While there is merit in that approach, I have recently discovered a path that transcends the ages and stages of … Continue reading

iPhone for Money Management

When Apple first introduced the iPhone I thought people were absolutely silly for waiting in line for a phone. Years later people again waited in line and preordered the iPhone 4, so I guess I’m still amazed. As much as I wanted an iPhone, I didn’t want one that badly. I wasn’t willing to pay the cost of the phone to begin with and certainly not until I was eligible for an upgrade. I got my opportunity this past February. I asked Santa for an iPhone for Christmas and then waited impatiently for an upgrade to become available. I had … Continue reading