FHE For Small Children-The Prexistence

This past Sunday, my 4 year old gave his very first talk in primary. I was so proud of him. I helped him prepare his talk by asking him a series of questions about what he knew about the earth since the theme was, “Heavenly Father created the Earth for His children”. He told me things like it is really big. It is in space. It has lots of different countries. It was really fun to find out what he knew about earth. I asked him what his favorite thing to do on earth was, and he replied, “Eat!” Very … Continue reading

Teaching Values to Your Children

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home and told me that a girl at school was being a bully at recess. Of course, I asked a million questions trying to get more details regarding what happened. It seemed to me after talking about it for a long time, that this other 1st grader was trying to tease my daughter because of something that my daughter said. I finally realized that it was mostly innocent child’s play (although a little aggressive), but at the same time, I used it as a teaching opportunity to tell my children again that if they don’t … Continue reading

Teaching Tolerance

When I married my ex-husband I knew we may have a few issues when it came to raising our son. My ex-husband is an atheist and believes that religion would inhibit any happiness he found here on this Earth, while I have a deeply rooted faith in God and find an indescribable joy in such testimony. I have been blessed that he has allowed me to take my son with me to church each Sunday. I have tried to instill strong values in my son from a young age and thankfully he has supported me in doing so. Even with … Continue reading

Teaching Charity

I am a person who is deeply interested in the welfare of others. In that vein, I try to contribute to the welfare of others whenever possible. I volunteer for different causes that interest me. I make an effort to contribute to my community. I try to be kind, and I encourage my child to do the same. Since my daughter started having birthday parties at age four, she’s always donated to a particular cause for her birthday. Once, this was the local hospital for children. Twice, it’s been animal rescue organizations. This year she decided to raise money for … Continue reading

Values to Hold Onto

As a single parent it is so important to have something to hold onto in your time of need. While I realize not everyone is religious, we all have certain values that we want to instill in our children. When Logan was born I felt a lot of tension within me. I knew how I wanted to raise him and the values I would like in our home, but my husband at the time had a very different set of values, as did the rest of his family. How was I going to be able to teach my son the … Continue reading

Teaching Your Children Your Morals

Not all homeschooling families are religious, but many are, and have chosen to incorporate their values into their homeschool curriculums. This is true of me and my family. We are Latter-day Saints, and we choose to make our religion an integral part of our lives. This overflows into everything from our interactions with each other to the way we approach certain subjects—creationism rather than evolution, for instance. The other night, I had an experience that made me sit back and look at my daughter in a new light. She has been taught from infancy what we believe, and I know … Continue reading

What To Teach Your Children About Marriage

What should you be teaching your children about marriage? What is the best way to go about teaching them are two questions to look at. Here are some things I believe we should be teaching our children about marriage. Marriage is not something that should be entered into lightly. Marriage between a man and a woman is a lifetime commitment not just until you get tires of the person or bored or it becomes too hard. Marriage is not for the faint hearted. It needs time, effort selflessness and work to make a great marriage. Don’t go into it thinking … Continue reading

Teaching Preschoolers about Money

In my opinion, it is never too early to start teaching your children about money. While you do want to shield your children from any stress or negative financial realities, at least while they are little, it is good to start teaching them the basics of managing money. Money is a huge part of our society, and it always amazes me how kids can no clue how much of the system works. For a young child the best way to teach about money, its uses as well as your own values concerning it is through example. If you go out … Continue reading

Single Parenting and Your Growing Child: It is Time for the Talk

Single parenting, oh the joys! Another job that we cannot pawn off on anyone else and that is “The Talk”. It helps if you are divorced in this case and the other parent is involved, but what if there is no other parent? Yes, I am afraid to tell you, you are it, again. Talking to your kids about growing up is probably one of the least favorite things that you will do as a parent. It is not too uncomfortable for the parent, but it is usually uncomfortable for the child. Because it is uncomfortable for them, we are … Continue reading

Teacher Values in the Classroom

Teachers today must be very careful about their words and actions in the classroom. Their personal opinions and thoughts are often not welcomed like they once were. Teachers can no longer speak of political or religious beliefs. Prayers and even pledges are not part of the daily routine as they had been before. While you may not be able to go out and preach or politic with your students, your values and morals do still play a part in your teaching. Think about what it is that you really want to teach the children. If you are a math teacher … Continue reading