General Conference: “The Weak and Simple of the Church”

In his talk “The Weak and Simple of the Church” President Boyd K Packer opens his talk by giving tribute to President James E Faust. He then mentions the recent sustaining of President Henry B Eyring to the First Presidency and Elder Quentin L Cook as a new apostle. President Packer then speaks about the process of church leaders being sustained and called. He spoke about the sustaining of church leaders and that this allows each of us to know that they have been called of God. This will prevent us from being led astray. President Packer points out that … Continue reading

Church Callings: Stake Technology Specialist

Stake or Ward Technology Specialists often do not get the credit that they deserve. People who are called to these callings serve in areas where many people do not realize that they are being served. The duties of this calling can vary widely from area to area and ward to ward. It is important to thank these people when you see them. When we lived in a smaller ward there was no one called to serve in this capacity, so whenever there was an activity that involved audio or video equipment he would often get a call to come out … Continue reading

Ward Bulletin and Ward Newsletter Specialists

There are two callings in the ward that deal mainly with distributing information. It is fairly common for these two callings to be combined as well. You may be called to be in charge of the ward bulletin or the ward newsletter. These callings can be a lot of fun and a lot of work. The ward bulletin and newsletter can help to bring the ward closer together. The ward bulletin is a weekly task. You will need to let the ward members know when your deadline is for announcements to be put into the bulletin. A common deadline is … Continue reading

Talents and Callings

When we think of callings and talents we generally feel that we are called to serve in areas where we already have developed our talents. However, we are often called to serve in areas where we can grow. This may seem frustrating at first, because there are areas where it may be easier to serve than others, but it is important to look at this in a positive manner. You may want to consider how your talents can be applied to this new calling. If you are called as a teacher, but consider your strongest talents to be in music, … Continue reading

Letting go of Illusions

Sometimes, our denial and illusions can be a benefit—especially in the early stages of starting a business. I know that I needed a certain amount of “moxy” when I took the plunge and started working on my own. As we strive to build our businesses, however, we do need to let go of that denial and those illusions so that we can see things more clearly. We need to be able to “get real” when it comes to our skills and talents and strengths and weaknesses. The word “illusion” is a synonym for “delusion” and illusions are false ideas or … Continue reading

Are You Doing Too Much for Your Calling?

When it comes to your calling, one of the most important things that you can do is to follow through with your commitments. While it is important to do the best that you can, you do need to set reasonable limits on what you expect from yourself. Often we expect so much that it is difficult to begin to prepare, and we end up doing poorly. One example is when you are teaching. You may want to provide the occasional handout to illustrate your point, but you do not need to spend more than thirty minutes on preparing the handout … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 15-21

From seminary to tithing to LDS secrets, this week carried with it a number of blogs sure to help and entertain you. Gospel Doctrine: In What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us, we discussed the impact of the resurrection in our lives. In Witness of the Resurrected Lord, we discussed various people who saw the Lord following His resurrection. In Doubting Thomas, we considered the disciples who doubted news of Christ’s resurrection. In The Value of the Old Testament, we discuss the relevance of the first book of the bible. In Did Not Our Hearts Burn?, we discussed the … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Our Stewardship of Time

The second parable given in Matthew 25 is that of the talents. A master leaves three servants in charge of different portions of his estate; he gives each a varied amount of talents. When he departs, two have increased their talents and receive their reward; the third has done nothing and is punished. The Lord has made us stewards over many things, and we, too, shall find ourselves accountable to Him. There are so many different ways to interpret this parable and apply it to us. The talents could represent our callings, our role as parents, or our spiritual gifts, … Continue reading

Whom the Lord Calls, He Qualifies

I told my husband when the Branch President asked if he could stop by that he would extend us both callings. Sure enough, that was the reason for his visit. We were expecting to be called to the Primary or, more likely, the Nursery (the current nursery leaders just had a baby last week and we have a history in the class). Instead, he called my husband to be Sunday School President, and me as second counselor in the Relief Society. “Wow,” I said. Then I said it another three times, all in sort of a shocked and dazed tone … Continue reading