Leftovers: Good Idea or Bad?

Growing up I hate leftovers and would do everything I could to avoid them. Now, as a mom of three, I’ve made my peace with leftovers and try to use them in creative ways. (Here are some ideas for Unconventional Leftovers.) But, are leftovers really a good idea? Let us take a look. Leftovers Can Make your Sick (BAD) Since I hate wasting money, I’m reluctant to toss out food. Taken too far, this could make me sick, when leftovers are too old or haven’t been stored properly. Getting leftovers refrigerated or frozen immediately, labeling leftovers with a date, and … Continue reading

Controversial Dress Ban

Prom is not cheap.  Dressing for prom will drain your wallet even more. So, what happens when you find an affordable prom gown that flatters your figure, but you can’t wear it to the big dance because of a new school dress code? That’s the dilemma facing eighth grade girls at Readington Middle School in New Jersey.  The school principal recently decided to ban strapless dresses from the year-end dinner dance, but did so after some parents had already forked over a pretty penny for their daughters’ fancy shoulder-baring frocks. Dozens of moms and dads are now taking to social … Continue reading

Utah Bill Would Require Coverage for Autism Treatment

Utah is one of the states that does not require private health insurance companies to cover the cost of treatment for autism. That could change, thanks to a new bill that would require private health plans to cover it. This is in response to pilot programs that failed to provide adequate coverage. Right now, there are 32 states that require all health insurance plans to cover the cost of autism treatment. Typically, this means that the insurance plan will cover applied behavioral analysis, (ABA). It is an ongoing form of treatment that can require 25 to 40 hours a week. … Continue reading

Your Story is Not Over

My life has gone far from how I planned as a little girl. I always dreamed I’d marry a handsome man who was going to love and take care of our little family forever. Divorce was never in the cards. No one ever gets married thinking they’ll end up divorced, but it happens to a fair number of us regardless of what we planned. The night my ex-husband left I literally thought my life was over. I couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else. I had a child with this man. I didn’t know how I could possibly survive all … Continue reading

Taking Care of Leftovers

I have blogged before about the alarming amount of food waste in America.  But, I am guilty as well.  We often don’t finish an entire meal and leftovers go in the fridge, only to be thrown out later because we don’t want to eat that same thing again so soon. Freezing food, even leftovers, is always an option.  But, I always worry about freezer burn, which ruins the food.  What can we do to alleviate freezer burn?  Well, there are plastic bags that are airtight, helping you avoid freezer burn, but what if you are trying to avoid plastic?  Some … Continue reading

Taking Debt Too Lightly

Why is it so easy to go into debt and so hard to get out of it? I think for modern generations, there has been a culture of taking debt too lightly. Fortunately, for some of us, that culture is changing toward one of getting rid of debt or not getting into it in the first place. Meanwhile, there is still a more corporate culture that encourages debt, and it is one, as individuals, that we have to fight against in order to be solvent and live a good life. Being offered a loan, whether it is a home mortgage, … Continue reading

Value in Taking Care of Your Home

How would you rate yourself as a homemaker? What do you think others in your home would say? You might consider evaluating yourself and having others do the same. Then you can give recognition to the strengths you have, yet consider some of the areas that could be worked on. I consider every area of my life to be important. Some of my roles include wife, mother, worker and friend. I take each of these areas seriously and I strive to be the best I can. But I also believe that my role in taking care of the home is … Continue reading

Making the Most of Leftovers

Tis the season to go through your scrapbooking stash. The holidays are a great time to assess the type and amount of scrapbook materials you have in stock.  The items that you want can be added to your Christmas wish list, while the leftovers can be used to craft end-of-the-year memory books. Taking inventory of your scrapbooking paper, embellishments and albums may sound like a pain, but in the long run it can prove to be a very cost-effective exercise.  In addition, finding ways to repurpose existing materials is a wonderful way to flex your creative muscle. Here are some … Continue reading

Overcoming Fitness Challenges during the Holidays

Life is busy.  There is a lot to be done to prepare for the holidays.  It might make sense to put exercise on the backburner.  After all, there is always the New Year, right?  Wrong. Let’s face it.  We can always come up with an excuse to not exercise and to indulge ourselves in unhealthy food choices.  The holidays are just a convenient time in which to do this. It can be hard to stay motivated during this time of year.  But there are ways to overcome the challenges. First, you just might have to accept the fact that exercise … Continue reading

Tolls Taking a Toll on Travelers

Nothing gets a traveler hot under the collar faster than having to spend extra money on tolls.  If paying for gas, hotel rooms and meals weren’t enough, several states have increased the amount of cash they are requiring road warriors to fork over for the privilege of driving on their asphalt. The expansion of the electronic toll system allows locals and visitors alike to speed through the express lanes without having to shell out cash each time.  Rather, drivers can pre-purchase toll devices and use them on highways, bridges and tunnels, from California to Maine. The largest toll program is … Continue reading