Supporting Your Spouse

Long before I met my husband, I was a huge baseball fan…of the Milwaukee Brewers that is. I knew all the players and the positions they played. When I eventually met and married my husband, something changed. I suddenly lost interest in baseball and would sometimes find myself complaining about the fact that all he did was watch sports. Then a few years ago he decided to coach one of our church’s softball teams. That first season I was one of the fans but the following season I became the “stat girl.” When my husband first asked me to do … Continue reading

Do You Support Your Spouse’s Healthy Habits?

I’ve mentioned before that my husband is the health nut and I’m the sugar addict. Lately, I’ve made major changes to my lifestyle and am no longer eating sugar. I’ve lost fifty pounds. How great is that? Because my husband understands how important it is to be healthy, he’s supported me all along the way and has never once sabotaged what I’m doing—we’re doing it together. But you know what, I’ve had friends tell me, “I’m trying to lose weight, but my husband eats junk food in front of me all the time.” Or, “My husband laughs when I tell … Continue reading

Buying Your Spouse’s Chairs

Years ago, I watched the movie “Phenomenon,” starring John Travolta and Keira Sedgwick. It’s about a man who is blessed with incredible abilities to remember and to figure out complex problems. That’s not important to the part of the movie I want to share with you today. Keira’s character makes wooden rockers out of branches and twigs, and they aren’t at all comfortable. She tries to tell them at the local general store, but just can’t get them to move. When John’s character starts to fall in love with her, he goes into the store about once a week and … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse through Grief

We all experience grief at some point in our lives—it’s part of being alive and human, having emotions, and loving. At times, the husband and wife will both go through the same grief—losing a child or the lesser pain of losing a badly needed job or a loved home. Other times, one spouse will go through a personal grief not quite as deeply felt by the other. In both circumstances, they need each other. If you are the spouse who is grieving, share what you need with your partner. Don’t expect him to just know what you’re going through. He … Continue reading

Supporting Each Other in Times of Unemployment

Few things cause stress in a marriage like lack of employment, and with the economy suffering as it has, we’re seeing more and more couples facing this challenge. Money does strike at our sense of security, and when we don’t feel secure, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else, including our relationships. When the husband or wife is unemployed, it’s more important than ever that they stay united. Sometimes there is a tendency to blame the person who lost the job—if they’d only been a little more diligent in their work or a little more punctual or a little more … Continue reading

Requirements for a Good Spouse

We all have ideas about what makes a good spouse. I’m sure if we compared notes some of them would be the same. Here are mine. You might want to add some others in the comments. It needs to be someone who you love and who loves you. Love is to my mind a requisite for marriage. I couldn’t imagine getting married for any other reason. It should be someone who is not only your lover but your friend -your best friend. In other words someone you can talk to and share with and you know they will be accepting … Continue reading

Playing the Supporting Role

Recently a young woman I know did several things that impressed me in her marriage, so I thought I’d share them with you. Just because someone hasn’t been married very long, doesn’t say all of us can’t pick up tips from the way their marriage works. The first thing was she supports her husband in the work he is doing. He had to give an important talk to a large number of people. Even though she had a heap of things needing to be done over the next few days, she decided this was more important as it was happening … Continue reading

Does Your Spouse Make You a Better Person?

Does your spouse make you a better person? One of the great things about being in love is knowing that someone else thinks you’re special. – Someone else finds something in you that put you in a different category to everyone else. Tegdar raises the point that we change as we mature and as we progress through our marriage. That’s certainly true. I look back at the young people Mick and I were and see that over the years how we grew up (yes we married young) and changed and that’s not a bad thing. The thing is we didn’t … Continue reading

Would You Support Your Spouse?

As Ruthann8 pointed out, sometimes it is not so much a male/female thing in the way we respond to events as a personality issue. It can happen between you and your spouse, differing personalities affect the way you view a situation and how you react. What is important when this is the case is accepting and supporting each other, even if you don’t understand why they react as they do. Mick admitted recently the way I reacted to a situation and what I wanted to do about it, was not the way he would have handled it. But because he … Continue reading

Retrace Your Steps

These days I find occasionally I set out to do something and then, by the time I get there, forget what it was I was planning to do. What do I do when this happens? I retrace my steps and go back to the place where I was when I thought of it. Often before I get there, I’ve remembered. It’s good advice for a marriage too to go back and to retrace our steps. This is especially important when things are not working as well as we’d like or are starting to be a bit rocky. Then it’s a … Continue reading