The LDS Families Week in Review: January 28th – February 3rd

Sunday School The Sunday school lesson for this week centered around John 3-4. We examined various parts of the lesson throughout the week. In Spiritually Reborn, we looked at the need to not only be baptized but to be ‘born again’ of the spirit. In Because of the Simpleness of the Way, we talked about the relative simplicity of casting our eyes – and our whole beings – on Christ, and following the paths He walked. In A Well of Living Water, we talked about Christ’s meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, and how we, too, can draw … Continue reading

Sunday Review: Hurt Feelings and Self-Confidence

I don’t know how your Sunday went, but mine was absolutely fabulous. I was touched to the quick by the talks in both Sacrament and Relief Society. Both left me feeling uplifted and with a desire to improve myself. If you have read my RS/EQ lesson preparation from last week, then you know that I have struggled with the issue of hurt feelings. I have prayerfully considered what steps I need to take to change, and have asked the Lord for a great deal of guidance. I don’t feel that I am a candidate for inactivity, but I know that … Continue reading