Making Faith Your Focus

In these difficult times it is especially hard to let go of your worries and put your trust in the Lord. One of the most difficult things to do is to let go of the worries that assail us as we deal with difficult circumstances and personal trials. Instead of putting our trust in the Lord, and knowing that he will go with us through our trials, we often fight against the situation and end up feeling alone and scared. In his talk in Sunday morning session of April 2009 General Conference, President Thomas S Monson spoke about people who … Continue reading

Young Men: “Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood”

In his talk “Faith and the Oath and the Covenant of the Priesthood” President Henry B Eyring is speaking to the priesthood members of the church. Resident Eyring opens his talk by speaking about the importance of the priesthood and the covenants that come with holding the Priesthood. He points out that main blessing from the priesthood is eternal life, and the chance to be with our family for eternity. President Eyring warns against choosing not to accept the priesthood or from choosing not to live worthily of it, once you have received the priesthood. He points out the receiving … Continue reading

Articles of Faith Series: The Eighth Article

The eighth Article of Faith reads: We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. One of the biggest concerns some people have about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the fact that we have “another” Bible. They feel that we don’t believe in the Bible and that we are trying to usurp the Bible with our own book of scripture. As the eighth Article of Faith states, we do believe in the Bible. It’s a … Continue reading

Articles of Faith Series: The Fifth Article

The fifth Article of Faith states: We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that God has imparted to us the power of the Priesthood, which is the power to act in His name for the blessing of His children. This power is used to heal the sick, to give comfort and direction, and to impart authority to others within … Continue reading

Scripture Study – 1 Nephi 17:31-38

Nephi has been commanded to build a boat to cross the great waters, but Laman and Lemuel are giving him a hard time about it. They refuse to believe that he’s been commanded of the Lord and instead, call him crazy, just like their father. Nephi is now recounting the Lord’s dealings with His children in the past and reminding his brothers that God is in control over all. Speaking of the children of Israel, he says: 31. And it came to pass that according to his word he did destroy them; and according to his word he did lead … Continue reading

Relief Society: Being Strong in Faith

In last October’s General Conference, Sister Julie B Beck gave a talk about being strong and immovable in three areas. The first area that she focused on was faith. Recently I attended a Relief Society lesson, which reviewed the principles in this talk, and it reminded me to go back and think about them. This talk really touched me as I listened to it, and I can see ways that I can still work to apply its teachings to my life. The first principle that Sister Beck speaks about is faith. She lists specific things that we can do as … Continue reading

Articles of Faith Series: The Second Article

The Second Article of Faith states: “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.” Some religions believe that because of the fall of Adam, we are all condemned. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints takes a different view. We, in fact, are grateful to Adam for what he did. If he and Eve had remained in the Garden of Eden, we as a human race would not have existed. It was only when Adam and Eve left the Garden that they became able to have children. It’s true that in … Continue reading

Study the Scriptures by Topic

My scripture study has taken on a much more meaningful light in the past few weeks. I have studied the scriptures by topic before, but usually just to prepare for a talk or lesson. Just recently I have been wanting to bring my scripture study to a new level, and so I decided to study about a specific question or issue that I was worried about each day. It is amazing to me how the scriptures do contain answers to every aspect of our lives. The topical guide is a great resource to help you to find answer to questions … Continue reading

Study the Articles of Faith

Do you know the Articles of Faith? In Primary we are encouraged to memorize the Articles of Faith in order to learn the Faith in God awards. Although I did memorize each Article of Faith when I was a child, I feel that I failed to grasp the entire meaning of these powerful statements. I didn’t appreciate that they answered questions that so many people struggle with nor did I fully understand what each one meant. As an adult I have met so many people that have struggled with various aspects of Christianity. One common area is the nature of … Continue reading