Our Primary Program

This past Sunday we had our primary program. It was a success as usual, but I am also glad it is over! There is always a sense of relief as the primary president when that task is completed, although my job is never really “done”. I started by sharing a few words myself. For some reason, I was a little overly emotional. But, in the year and a half that I have had this calling, I have really grown to love my primary kids. We are few in numbers, but it seems that makes us more like a family. I … Continue reading

Primary Rewards

So, our primary is very small as I’ve mentioned before. Every kid usually gets more than his or her fair share of chances to do the talk, scripture and prayers in primary. But, I noticed a trend in our ward. There was a small handful of kids that kept volunteering for the talk and scripture each week, but would come unprepared the following week. This was frustrating me. The prior presidency told me that they always had a talk on hand in case a child came unprepared, but it had turned into every single week we were reading talks from … Continue reading

Primary Time: Teaching a New Class

One of the great things about a new year is getting a new class to teach if you are a Primary or a Sunday school teacher. It is always hard to say good-bye to students that you have grown to care about, but it is also nice to start out fresh and to get new students as well. If you are beginning to teach with a new set of students it is important to get off to a good start. Here are a few suggestions. First if you are teaching Primary, then introducing yourself to the children before the first … Continue reading

Speaking Your Wife’s Language

You may be asking yourself, “What does speaking your wife’s language have to do with being a good father?” I remain convinced (for those who are married) that you have to be a good husband first before you can be a good father. Dr. Gary Chapman has written a book entitled, The Five Love Languages. In his book Dr. Chapman lists the five “languages” as 1. Words of Affirmation 2. Quality Time 3. Receiving Gifts 4. Acts of Service 5. Physical Touch I had the privilege of hearing one of Dr. Chapman’s messages at our church back in the 1990’s … Continue reading

Speaking Your Child’s Language

Kids have always had their own “lingo” for as long as I can remember. Whether they say, “cool”, “awesome”, or “sweet”, kids have always wanted to use certain words with their friends to show their independence from their parents and their own uniqueness. I used to be a substitute teacher and always found it funny whenever I would use words that the kids were using like “awesome”, or “radical”, the kids would smile and think it was “cool” that their teacher was using their language. There is another language that kids understand very well, that parents would do well to … Continue reading

Primary Time: Assigning Talks

Children need to be given the chance to speak in Primary. These talks help the children become comfortable speaking in front of others. It really can prepare them for giving talks in Sacrament meeting and teaching lessons at church. One of the key points of having successful talks, prayers and scripture sharing is good communication with the parents. Here are a few tips to make it work better. 1) There are several different ways to assign talks. You may assign them on a rotating basis or you may have the names drawn out of a hat. You may assign a … Continue reading

Five Tips for Speaking in Sacrament Meeting

You pick up the phone and unexpectedly you receive the dreaded call. You have been asked to speak in Sacrament meeting in a week or two. This can be a scary prospect for some, while others thrive with the extra attention. In either case it means extra work in the coming weeks as you strive to prepare the talk. Here are five tips to help make your talk a success. 1) The first tip is to relax. I am surprised at the number of people who seem completely self confident when interacting with others who completely freeze when speaking to … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for May 7 – May 13

Aimee and her pooches Lally and Moose spent last week on a cross-country trek to get to their new home, so most of the contributions to the Pets Blog are mine I’m afraid. (In case you’re wondering how Aimee and her crew are doing, I did hear from her once last week. There was a Moose incident during one of the hotel stops involving a pizza delivery that I’m sure she’ll relate somewhere down the line, but other than that the trip seemed to be going well. I’ll be excited for her to return and am looking forward to reading … Continue reading

Primary Time: The Primary Theme

As I was looking for ideas to write about, I stumbled across the theme for Primary. I did not know that Primary had a theme, but I really liked it. The theme is from 3 Nephi 22:13. “All they children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isn’t that a beautiful statement and thought. Primary really is a place that children go to learn about the Lord, and that knowledge can bring peace into their lives. As parents it is important to take the time to teach our children about the Lord. … Continue reading

Primary Time: Five Easy Topics for Talks

One great aspect of Primary is that each week a different child gets to give a talk. This is great because it allows children to become accustomed to public speaking at a young age. It is also fun just to hear the cute things that kids say. One difficult thing is to come up with ideas for your children to talk about. Here are five ideas for Primary talks. 1) The easiest topic is to simply choose the theme for sharing time that month. You can find a scripture story about the topic or you can share a personal or … Continue reading