RS/EQ: “The Mission of John the Baptist”

The sixth lesson in our Joseph Smith manual is entitled: “The Mission of John the Baptist.” We read that John the Baptist was “a legal administrator and the forerunner of Christ.” What all does that mean? As Joseph and Oliver Cowdery worked on the translation of the gold plates, they came to a passage about baptism that struck their souls. They went out into the woods to pray about it, and were given in answer a visit from John the Baptist, who ordained both of them to the Aaronic Priesthood. This event was significant, as it marked the return of … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – December 10th – 15th

If you missed some of the blogs here in LDS over the last week, come check out the week in review and get caught up. In “Shepherds of the Flock,” we read Spencer W. Kimball’s lesson on how we need to support our leaders and serve willingly in the Church. Wondering how to submit your genealogical information, now that it’s been gathered? Read “Using TempleReady” to discover the next step. If you need ideas for meaningful Christmas gifts, you might consider giving food storage. “December Preparedness Goals” gives you more information on this, as well as other ideas to put … Continue reading

Solitude Can Bring You Closer to the Spirit

Examine with me, if you will, a typical morning at my house. I’m awakened by screaming children because someone hit someone else over some toy or another, even though the hitter has a toy just like the hitee’s. Then someone else is crying because they feel bad that someone got hurt, and then someone else is worried about the possibility of the house starting on fire, or what if there’s a flood, and how will we save all the guppies? The day continues pretty much this way, interspersed with meal times, school, and chores. The noise level is pretty average … Continue reading