Is Your Calling Stretching You Too Thin?

Do you ever feel so busy with your calling at church that you do not have enough time to spend with your family? Do you feel that your job is stretching you too thin, and it is cutting into family time as well? Or maybe you are working and juggling side projects, plus you have a busy calling at church, and you just can’t seem to keep up with everything. If you feel that church is just one more thing on top of everything else that you need to do, it may be time to make some adjustments. 1) Decide … Continue reading

Are You Doing Too Much for Your Calling?

When it comes to your calling, one of the most important things that you can do is to follow through with your commitments. While it is important to do the best that you can, you do need to set reasonable limits on what you expect from yourself. Often we expect so much that it is difficult to begin to prepare, and we end up doing poorly. One example is when you are teaching. You may want to provide the occasional handout to illustrate your point, but you do not need to spend more than thirty minutes on preparing the handout … Continue reading

Do You Have More than One Calling?

In the church, leaders are discouraged from giving people more than one calling. This can become overwhelming and very time consuming. However there are wards and branches that are small enough that it is a necessity to have people serving and helping in more than one area. It can also become difficult if the majority of the stake leadership callings come from your ward as well. Here are five tips to make holding more than one calling possible. 1) The first step is to make sure that you really need to fill the calling. For example I served in the … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse in His or Her Calling

When your spouse gets a calling in essence you receive the calling as well. Well not quite, but you do have to deal with allowing your spouse the extra time that he or she needs to complete the calling. This can be a difficult at times. I think that Bishop’s families and Relief Society President’s families often have the most that they have to deal with in terms of the whole family being affected by the calling. Here are four ways that you can support your spouse in his or her calling. 1) Allow your spouse time to prepare for … Continue reading

Should You Ever Decline a Calling?

You may ask yourself if it is ever acceptable to decline a calling. Is it okay to ask to be released from a calling? These two questions are difficult to answer and truly depend on your personal circumstances. It may be that you are willing to serve, but the area that you are asked to serve in would not work with your schedule. It could be that you are truly overwhelmed by life in general and the new calling would send you over the edge. When you are extended a calling for church, and you are not certain as to … Continue reading

The Blessings of Callings

It is important to realize that at some point that you may have a calling that you really just do not feel like doing. Or you may have a point in your calling when you do not want to do it anymore. This is a part of human nature. There are callings which some people dread (like nursery) while others simply love serving there. It is important to realize that callings can help us learn and to grow. One example from my own life is when I was called to serve on the Enrichment committee a few years ago. I … Continue reading

Saying No

It is important to realize that are times that it is okay to say no. In the church, it is common for people to ask for things or favors. Since so much of our time is spent in service it can be difficult to say no when someone asks a favor or needs help. However, it is important that you protect the time that you have with your family, as well as maintain a healthy balance for yourself. So how do you decide when it is okay to say no? Really that will be an individual choice for you and … Continue reading

Planning a Family Vacation? Steps to take before Renting A Car

Spring break is here and summer is just around the corner! Many families will head out the door for a well planned vacation which may include Renting a Car. Many vacationers may not even think about the insurance for a car rental until they’re at the rental counter, and this can lead to an expensive mistake. Insurance needs should never be a quick decision and one of the most common places consumers make poor choices are at the end of a long line at the rental car counter. Many consumers panic when asked, “Would you like to buy or decline … Continue reading

Whom the Lord Calls, He Qualifies

I told my husband when the Branch President asked if he could stop by that he would extend us both callings. Sure enough, that was the reason for his visit. We were expecting to be called to the Primary or, more likely, the Nursery (the current nursery leaders just had a baby last week and we have a history in the class). Instead, he called my husband to be Sunday School President, and me as second counselor in the Relief Society. “Wow,” I said. Then I said it another three times, all in sort of a shocked and dazed tone … Continue reading

Five Helps for Sunday School Teachers

If you are a Sunday school teacher you may be struggling with how much you need to prepare each week. You may also be wondering how to vary the lessons and to make them more interesting. Another problem area may be encouraging class participation. The methods that you will use vary widely if you are teaching fifteen-year-olds versus Gospel Doctrine. The church does recommend that you stick to church published materials, and that you stay as close to the lesson topics as possible. Here are five tips for making your Sunday school lessons more effective. 1) Prepare in advance. If … Continue reading