Sharing the Gospel Can Be Simple

I know that I have a few mormon friends who are worried about making friends with non-LDS people because they are afraid that they will have nothing in common with them. I find that to be not true in my own experience. However, when you branch out, and become friends with someone who is not mormon, you will most likely find yourself answering questions about your faith. That is simply because we are different, and we stand out. Hopefully, for the right reasons. The truth is, that as Elder Holland said recently, we can never check our religion at the … Continue reading

Primary Time: Incorporating Gospel Teaching Into Daily Life

When you have children in primary, you are dealing with many issues along with teaching them the gospel. It can be easy to push aside the most important things to fit in the busy to do lists that come with parenting. It is important to find ways to incorporate gospel teaching into the every day experiences that you are having. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) When you are talking about a situation that your child may be experiencing at school, or with their friends try to relate it back to the gospel. You can talk about … Continue reading

Coping with Ward Changes

Two weeks ago, we got the news that our stake was finally going to re-allign the ward boundaries. This is big news, and a long time coming. Last year about the same time, 3 stakes in our area were combined into two. This area of Salt Lake has struggled in recent years to maintain members. So, many of the wards, including ours, have struggled a lot. Our ward currently has just a handful of members. We have maybe 100 attending sacrament meeting. Enough youth to count on one hand, and just a few more primary children. It is hard. So, … Continue reading

Our Primary Program

This past Sunday we had our primary program. It was a success as usual, but I am also glad it is over! There is always a sense of relief as the primary president when that task is completed, although my job is never really “done”. I started by sharing a few words myself. For some reason, I was a little overly emotional. But, in the year and a half that I have had this calling, I have really grown to love my primary kids. We are few in numbers, but it seems that makes us more like a family. I … Continue reading

General Relief Society Broadcast

Last night was the General Relief Society broadcast. I was lucky enough to get to attend the broadcast downtown in the conference center. It has been a long time since I had attended in person, and I had forgotten the enormity of the building, and how vast the number of members that can fit into it. I was immediately struck by singing the beautiful music with thousands of sisters singing with me. It is definitely a spiritual experience to get to go and listen to the leaders first-hand give us counsel from the Lord. A new general relief society presidency … Continue reading

A Unique Way to Make Friends

It’s funny how one things often triggers another. I’ve just posted my first post recently on the home blog about gardens and it made me think of a couple I used to know. This couple had a prolific vegetable garden. They grew far more than what they needed. They did that for a reason. Why? They then used the produce from the garden to give to neighbors. This couple didn’t want to stay unconnected to their neighbors, so they made a visit to the neighbors taking some of the excess vegetables. As a result, over time, they built up a … Continue reading

Bringing In Meals

One of the great things about the Relief Society is the way the sisters band together to take care of every little need. When there’s sickness, death or a new baby, one of the most common ways the sisters render service is by bringing in dinner. What a kind, compassionate thing to do for someone who might not be in a position to make a meal for themselves, for whatever reason. If you are asked to bring in a meal, here are some tips for you to keep in mind. 1. The person making the assignment will generally tell you … Continue reading

Saying Good-bye and Good Luck

This is my last post as a blogger at I just wanted to write a simple thank you to those who have been reading my words for the last several years. I have truly enjoyed my time here, and I’ve really felt blessed, as I have shared my testimony of the gospel. I have grown tremendously as I have studied the scriptures more deeply, and I have gained a better understanding of the blessings that the gospel brings into our lives. The years that I have spent writing here have not been the easiest for me personally. My family … Continue reading

The Benefits of Being in the Same Spiritual Boat (Or Not)

In Marriage and Spiritual Quests I wrote about how once upon a time I set out in search of spirituality. And found it. But Wayne was concerned I’d make him adopt whatever way I decided upon too. While there is much to be said for sharing the same faith as your spouse, there is also much to be said for not sharing one too. Wayne and I have experienced both realms. Neither Wayne nor I can claim a denomination. Just as my parents were raised Catholic and that’s the first church I was ever introduced to (just not formally), Wayne’s … Continue reading

Thoughts on Polygamy

With the raid on the polygamist compound in Texas headline news lately, I’ve been thinking about polygamy probably more than I ever have before in my life. The Husbands Watching the news, I’d be led to believe that the husbands in polygamist unions are all abusive, dirty old men who use religion as justification for having sex with young girls. Maybe some of them do. But what about the ones who don’t? What about the ones who have committed themselves to many wives because their religion ordains it and they firmly believe in their doctrines? How do they emotionally and … Continue reading