You Know You Are a Blogger When . . .

Let’s face it, we all like to blog. And those of us who don’t yet blog are just bloggers in embryo – sooner or later, you, too, will be infected. After all, it’s a great way to keep in touch with family and friends, and share ideas. But it can go a bit too far. Here are some of the warning signs: You know you’re a blogger when everything you hear sounds like a blog topic to you. From an overheard conversation in a grocery store that becomes a blog about the importance of price checking, to a comment your … Continue reading

LDS Acronyms

Last week, we talked about the secret language Latter-day Saints are slowly developing. This week, I’d like to continue my status as Bendict Arnold and share a few acronyms that might crop up in Mormon conversations or blogs. Soon, you, too, will be able to communicate with Latter-day Saints. LDS – The most obvious of acronyms, LDS stands for “Latter-day Saint”, which is, in itself, a condensed version of the church’s true name, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.” However, if you identify a member of the church as a Latter-day Saint, 99.99% of the people you talk … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 1-7

This has been a great week for celebrating the Fourth of July! Whether you followed the week as it happened, or just want to review it, this is a great tool for catching up on everything you missed! Monday, July 2nd: In Pageant Time!, we reviewed the various pageants taking place across the United States. In General Conference: “Tabernacle Memories,” we reviewed President Monson’s talk on his memories of this wonderful, historic building. In Upholding Our Country, we talked about the relationship church members worldwide have with their countries. And in Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 24, we reviewed the various … Continue reading