Serving in the Primary: Primary Pianist

One calling that is quite important is that of Primary pianist. Although this calling may seem peripheral to the Primary organization, it really is an important calling. I have served in a Primary presidency when we had an extremely difficult time finding someone to be the pianist. If you are serving as the pianist then you should realize that your calling is essential in helping the Primary children learn the songs. It is important to practice and prepare to play the songs that the children will be singing each week. If you feel that you do not play well enough … Continue reading

Serving in the Primary: Primary Chorister

It is amazing how important it is to have a good Primary chorister. Many may brush aside this calling, as something that is secondary or others may think that the chorister only teaches songs. The Primary chorister really brings the music to life for the children. The chorister will help the children learn songs that teach gospel principles. These songs may come to mind when the children are struggling with something in their lives. Here are four tips on being a successful Primary chorister. 1) Be there each week. This makes a huge difference to the children. If they know … Continue reading