Relief Society: Spotlighting Sisters

Is your ward struggling to have everyone feel included? Do you know a little bit about every sister in your ward? Are there cliques that do not seem to mingle with anyone else at all? There are things that you can do to encourage sisters to get to know each other. One fun way is to have a spotlight on one or two sisters. You can do this once a month, once a week or at the four major Enrichment activities. Here are five suggestions to help this run smoothly. 1) You should decide if you are going to do … Continue reading

Relief Society: The Blessings of Diversity

One of the great things about Relief Society is the diversity of the sisters involved in the organization. It is rare that one single organization would have sisters from so many different walks of life. Not only do we have sisters all over the world from rich to poor, but the Relief Society also has sisters in every phase of life. Some sisters are single, some are newly married, some have young children, some have older children and others are grandmothers. This diversity allows us to grow and help each other in unique ways. It is important that we each … Continue reading

Relief Society: “In the Arms of His Love”

In his talk “In the Arms of His Love” President Gordon B Hinckley spoke specifically to the women of the church. He opened his talk by speaking of the greatness of the Relief Society. He shared that the Relief Society has over five million members, with members in nations across the world. He spoke of the diversity of the members both in age, ethnicity, and their roles in life. President Hinckley went on to share what Relief Society stands for. He said that one thing that Relief Society stands for is love. He spoke of the love and support that … Continue reading

The LDS Families Week in Review: April 2nd – April 8th

Gospel Doctrine: This week’s Gospel Doctrine covers the upcoming lesson 13, “I Will Give Unto Thee the Keys of the Kingdom,” which involves Matthew 15:21-17:9. In “Great Is Thy Faith”, we examined the faith of the Canaanite woman who asked the Savior to heal her daughter, and how we can press on even when we seem to receive no answer to our pleadings. In The Signs of the Times, we considered the fact that we might look too often for the sensational and miss the small and simple signs of the Lord. In “Flesh and Blood Hath Not Revealed It … Continue reading