Relief Society: 5 Ways to Build Unity on Enrichment Nights

One of the purposes of Enrichment night is to build unity between the sisters. It is important to plan activities that allow this to happen. You can still have classes and special guest speakers and still have time set aside for the women to spend time socializing. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) Service projects are generally a wonderful activity that allows the sisters a chance to talk to each other. You can tie quilts for babies, make pillows for breast cancer patients, put together hygiene kits for the church or your local shelter. These ideas allow … Continue reading

Relief Society: Spotlighting Sisters

Is your ward struggling to have everyone feel included? Do you know a little bit about every sister in your ward? Are there cliques that do not seem to mingle with anyone else at all? There are things that you can do to encourage sisters to get to know each other. One fun way is to have a spotlight on one or two sisters. You can do this once a month, once a week or at the four major Enrichment activities. Here are five suggestions to help this run smoothly. 1) You should decide if you are going to do … Continue reading

Relief Society: Welcoming Young Women

It is drawing close to the time of year when the graduating young women will be joining Relief Society. This is a transition that some of the young women find difficult. It is important that as sisters that we make sure that they feel welcome. It is important that they feel wanted as needed. Each of us can help play a part in this process. Here are five ideas that you may consider doing in your ward. 1) You could assign an older sister to welcome and watch out for each new sister. This buddy system makes sure that the … Continue reading