Relief Society: Including Everyone

Relief Society is an organization with many intents and purposes, and one of those is help the sisters in the ward to find fellowship and support. However there are times and individuals who have a difficult time finding the fellowship and support in Relief Society. There may be a variety of reasons for this, but everyone should be working together to help each other feel supported. One reason that sisters may not feel supported or fellowship is because they feel isolated and left out when they attend Relief Society. I personally have struggled with this in Relief Society. When I … Continue reading

Relief Society: Teaching Enrichment Classes

You may have the opportunity to teach a class on an Enrichment night. One of the great things about Enrichment is that it is truly an opportunity to learn from each other. It is wonderful that different people have the opportunities to share their talents with the rest of the Relief Society. Here are five tips to make your class successful. 1) If you have a topic where you can do something hands on to teach, than do it. If you have a cooking topic, then cook. If you have a lesson on preparing family home evening lessons, have the … Continue reading

Relief Society: Cliques

It is a sad but true fact that there are often cliques in Relief Society. Often I think these form out of not reaching beyond your initial circle of friends. Many times these circles are just of people in the same place in their lives. The moms of the teenagers tend to congregate together, because they want to talk about their teenagers. The young moms with multiple children spend a lot of time together, because their kids like to play together. The newly marrieds and first time moms hang out a lot together as well. While many are friendly, it … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: June 18-23

Monday, June 18th: In General Conference: “Remember and Perish Not,” we reviewed Elder Jensen’s admonition to remember. Tuesday, June 19th: In Gospel Doctrine: Do As I Have Done To You, we learned about the importance of service in the teachings of the Savior. In Primary Time: Friends, we reviewed the importance of good friendships. Wednesday, June 20th: In Young Women: Good Works, we reviewed a value that focuses on service. In Remembering the Gospel, we learned ways to remember the Lord in our daily lives. And in Top Ten Items You’ll Find at a Ward Potluck, we took a humorous … Continue reading

Relief Society: 5 Ways to Build Unity on Enrichment Nights

One of the purposes of Enrichment night is to build unity between the sisters. It is important to plan activities that allow this to happen. You can still have classes and special guest speakers and still have time set aside for the women to spend time socializing. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) Service projects are generally a wonderful activity that allows the sisters a chance to talk to each other. You can tie quilts for babies, make pillows for breast cancer patients, put together hygiene kits for the church or your local shelter. These ideas allow … Continue reading