Three Reasons to Leave the Stuff in the Store

I was browsing one of my favorite blogs yesterday, I came across a bit of home decor that I had admired for a while on this blogger’s page. She had it hung in her living room, and it looked wonderful. Of course, she got it for free in order to promote the store that carried the products, and as part of a one-day promotion, that particular item was discounted from $59.99 to $19.99, a real bargain. I clicked over to the site and almost ordered the item. Almost, because I know that there were at least three reasons to leave … Continue reading

Grain-Free Food Can Improve Behavior and Allergies

I started an experiment the day I took Chrestomanci to the vet: I put all of the animals on grain-free food. I’ve always wondered about whether or not I ought to take my pets off of corn-filled kibble, but the extra expense has always given me, and especially my husband, pause. When I asked the vet about Chresti’s dandruff problem she said that wetter grain-free food might help. A locally-owned store next to the veterinarian’s office sells a variety of such foods, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least go in and get a bunch of samples. I … Continue reading

Warehouse Store Stock Up Tips

Do you find that using a warehouse store means that your grocery bill is going up not down? It could be the way you are handling your bulk purchase buys, how you are stocking up on them and how you are using them. Here are some tips to help you get everything under control and use warehouse shopping to your advantage to save money. Freeze, Freeze, Freeze If you find yourself with a lot of waste in your food, you’ll need to take action to make sure that items don’t good bad before you can get to them. One way … Continue reading

Why Warehouse Stores Have Great Bargains

If you haven’t visited a warehouse grocery store such as Costco, Sam’s Club or Bjs, or even if you have, you might be wondering how they can bring you such good prices on groceries and other items. While it is true that these stores can discount the prices on your food and goods because you are buying more from them, buying in bulk, there are other factors that contribute to the low prices. If you have ever wondered why the prices at warehouse stores are lower than at traditional grocery stores or mart-type stores, then you’ll want to read this. … Continue reading

With Food Prices Getting Higher, Taking Action is a Must

I don’t know if you have noticed, but food prices are higher than they have ever been, and all indications are that they will continue to go even higher. There are several reasons for this: Increased cost of fuel to transport food Increased world population leading to a high demand for food Smaller food harvests on many essential foods, including corn, grain, and peanuts Recessed economy leading to lower food stock in stores as retailers strategize to reduce their waste and cost of doing business Decreased value of the US dollar. While naturally, there are fluctuations in food prices from … Continue reading

Ways to Save Money on Gluten-Free Foods

In my experience, having a gluten allergy means that you are likely to end up spending more money on your weekly grocery shopping trip than you have in the past (before you discovered that you had this allergy). There are some ways to cut down on this expense, and make eating gluten-free a little easier on your budget. If you, or a family member, needs to start eating a gluten-free diet, this is going to change how you plan meals and shop for groceries. In general, shopping for foods that you can be certain are gluten-free can be expensive. There … Continue reading

Coming Soon – Insurance at the Grocery Store

Private insurance companies are starting to make plans about how to get their products before the eyes of consumers in 2014, when the health insurance exchanges are expected to appear. Many are making plans to place kiosks inside retail stores. This could help consumers and insurers connect. The health insurance exchanges are supposed to be ready to be used in 2014. Some states have been working on setting up their exchanges, and other states have been resisting it. Private insurance companies are starting to work on setting up their own private exchanges, in order to get ahead of things a … Continue reading

Saving Money At The Grocery Store

I am forever pinching pennies as a single Mom, sometimes I feel sorry for those poor little pennies! In our house it seems like the only thing we really have any control over is what we spend on food. I’m not good at clipping coupons, wait, I’m good at clipping them, just not remembering to use them. I used to be really organized when it came to couponing, not so much anymore, but I do have lots of hints on how to make it easier for those of us who are not professional couponers. 1. Look for coupon websites in … Continue reading

What is the Atkins Brand Food Like?

Being on the Atkins diet means that you aren’t going to be able to have many of the foods that you have become accustomed to eating. They do sell snack food that is low in carbs and filled with vitamins. You can have those without cheating on your diet. What do they taste like? I decided to find out. One of the things I liked about the Atkins diet is that is emphasizes using real, fresh, whole, food. You cannot go to the grocery store and buy frozen Atkins dinners, because they do not exist. The only prepacked food that … Continue reading

Does Your Store Refuse Credit Cards?

A new grocery store opened in my neighborhood earlier this year. I meant to head down and check it out, but with one thing and the other, I didn’t get around to it. But one day when my sister was here for a visit, she dragged me down there. “You’ve got to see this place,” she said. “You just won’t believe it.” I looked around, and I was impressed. The prices were really good, they have a great bulk food section, and I could see myself shopping there regularly. In fact, I went back four times over the next three … Continue reading