Baby Blog Month in Review: October 2008

If you had an October baby, congratulations! I hope that you will spend some time with us here at, as we bring you the latest news and tips for you and your family. Here is the Baby Blog month in review for October. October 1st Insect Repellent and Young Children Protecting my children is the number one priority, but one thing that I tend to avoid is insect repellent. I figure that putting additional chemicals on my kids is not the best idea, that is until now. These days, a mosquito bite is not just an annoyance, but it … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Solve Our Sleeping Issues

Question: I have this problem with my one year old every night. I end up putting him in his crib and letting him cry for 5 to 10 minutes. After this I go in the room like I am the savior and pick him up. He has worn himself out so much from crying that he lays down on my chest and goes to sleep. There has to be a better way. Then his bed time is 10. I need to figure out a way to get him to become tired earlier and to help him go to sleep easier. … Continue reading

Putting the Boys First

I’m serving as the Wolf leader in my ward right now. Because of lack of leaders, I’ve kept the boys after they graduated into Bears, so my den right now is half Wolves/half Bears. (We sound so wild, don’t we?) We’ve got things worked out to where the Bears come at 6:00 and the Wolves come at 6:30, and I try to find activities that are beneficial to both groups for that last half hour. So far it’s been working great. Later in the fall, we’re going to start meeting at the church, the whole pack together, and then splitting … Continue reading

The Boys are Back in Town

Music has returned to my house. And laughter. And energy. Last night, my boys came back from their summer visitation. The four of them flew from California, unaccompanied. My three-year-old daughter and I went to meet them. At the airport… Kathryn and I braved the long and winding security lines, unloading everything down to our last chapstick; even removing our shoes. (“They’re SANDALS,” she instructed airport officials.) I was wise to the recent concern over liquid items, and had emptied anything suspicious from my purse prior to our arrival. Yet I left one curious object in my cell phone pouch: … Continue reading

Wyoming Genealogy Resources

The state of Wyoming has more than one nickname. It is known as the “Cowboy State”, the “Equality State”, and as “Big Wyoming”. Are you searching for more information about your ancestors who once lived in Wyoming? Start by checking out some of the Wyoming genealogy resources that are linked to in this blog. Who knows? Maybe some of your ancestors really were cowboys! Cyndi’s List is, quite possibly, the most comprehensive list of links to online genealogy resources. If it exists on the internet, Cyndi’s List probably has it! They have a page called “United States – Wyoming”. Start … Continue reading

Can You Have A Happy Halloween Without Candy? Yes!

This evening, I took the boys out for more extensive Halloween activity than we have ever done before. This was Dylan’s third Halloween. For his first Halloween, he was a little bear and we only went to the children’s costume parade downtown. Last year, we did nothing. I forget why, but we did not dress up or go anywhere. This year, we all dressed as firefighters (even the baby) and went out two times. For both outings, my goal was the same – to have fun with Dylan and Blake without the boys eating any candy. As we drove towards … Continue reading

Time Management – What Works For Me

In this interesting blog post about making good use of time, Stephanie Romero asks what strategies others have found helpful for making good use of our time. I am always looking for ways to better manage my time, so I am hoping that others will take the opportunity to comment on that post with helpful suggestions. As for myself, there are two things that currently help me to use my time well. The first thing that helps me to make good use of my time is a strong sense of discipline. At least discipline is what I think it is. … Continue reading

Dressing Up for Thanksgiving Dinner

What outfit do you don before sitting down to gorge on your Thanksgiving feast? Some families have a tradition of wearing their Sunday best to celebrate the festive holiday meal, while others throw on their comfiest elastic waist pants and chow down like there’s no tomorrow. Then, there are those families. You know; the ones that take Turkey Day to a whole new level. Rather than sport a suit or sweats to the dinner table, they dress up like our country’s first settlers or the centerpiece of the celebratory buffet. If you are looking to spice up your turkey dinner, … Continue reading

Tween Make-Up Drama

Thank heavens for little girls… who couldn’t give a rip about make-up. That’s my daughter. The kid couldn’t be more uninterested in eye shadow, lip gloss or face shimmer. Thank heavens indeed. Of course, she’s only six years old, but given that many of the girls in her first grade class have hosted princess parties complete with make-up mini bars, I’d say I’ve got a good thing going. I hope it lasts until she’s 25. Okay, maybe 23. Personally, I don’t think first graders, tweens or teens need to be painting their faces to look “pretty.” What’s wrong with what … Continue reading