Primary Time: My Child Won’t Go to Nursery!

Nursery should be a place where your child has fun, learns the gospel and learns to interact with others. So what do you do if your child hates nursery class? Recently my son has decided that nursery class is not for him. I think that this is a result of many things. The nursery leaders just changed, the nursery has suddenly increased in size and there are a few bigger boys that intimidate him. Here are a few things that have helped him to keep going to nursery. 1) It is important to be consistent in having your child attend. … Continue reading

Primary Time: Nursery Leader

Nursery provides an important service for the members of the church. Many people mistakenly look at nursery class as a simple babysitting class, so that the parents of toddlers can teach or attend their classes. This is not the case. Nursery is designed to help prepare the toddlers to sit still and learn in Primary. The lessons also teach the basics of the gospel. They emphasize how much God loves each of the little children. This is a wonderful foundation to be teaching the children. If you are teaching nursery, it is important to approach the calling with a positive … Continue reading

Primary Time: Dealing With Nursery Problems

Nursery is an important program for your child. It helps him to learn to sit still during the lesson. The lessons focus on simple gospel principles. Playtime is great chance for your child to learn about sharing and other social interactions. Your child may be having a difficult time attending nursery. Here are some common problems, and ways to deal with them. 1) It may be that you have gotten out of the routine of nursery. This can happen when you go on vacation, with illness or a new nursery leader. Nursery is no longer the safe and comfortable place … Continue reading

Primary Time: Wellness Etiqette and Nursery

If you have a child in Nursery or Primary, you may be concerned when the winter months hit. This is especially true in the nursery, where little ones are being exposed to germs for the first time. It is important that you follow the proper etiquette and exercise consideration for those around you when your child is sick. It can be very frustrating for your child to come home and gets sick a day or two after nursery class. The same basic guidelines should apply as if you were sending your child to school. If your child has a fever, … Continue reading