Pray for Comfort

Each of us face trials throughout our lives, it can be difficult to go through these times. It is important to realize that we each have the ability to pray for peace. So often when we are in the midst of a trial we focus our prayers on having the burdens lifted or for the trial to end. The times that we struggle in life help us to grow spiritually. If you find that you are in the midst of a trial and just can not handle anymore, pray for peace. It will come. When you pray for peace, it … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: David and Goliath

On today, Veteran’s Day, we pay tribute to those men and women who have given of themselves to fight for our freedom. I’d like to also pay tribute to those who fight for our religious freedom. David of the Bible did both. In the first Bible-based movie in the Liken the Scriptures lineup, Spencer has finished reading the Book of Mormon from cover to cover, and he feels pretty good about it. But then he gets a phone call from the stake president, asking if he’ll give a talk in stake conference about his experiences reading the Book of Mormon. … Continue reading