Primary Time: Treating Others Kindly

One difficult but important thing to teach your children is to be accepting and loving of others, especially in Primary. This can be a difficult concept to teach, and it can be difficult to know when to begin to teach it. For example most young children do not recognize if a child has Down Syndrome, and so would not treat the child any differently than any other child. However, there may come a point when your child notices the difference or becomes uncomfortable. You do not want to point out differences that your child may not notice and draw attention … Continue reading

Primary Time: Seeing Past the Disability

When it comes to Primary children and dealing with those who have special needs it can be too easy to become so caught up in dealing with the difficulties that these situations may create, that you forget to love the child as a spirit sent from Heavenly Father. The needs that you deal with in Primary could be autism, deafness, food allergies or extreme shyness. It is important o look for the child who is underneath all these extenuating circumstances. Often people are intimidated or worried about how the child is going to react or about how to best communicate … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review August 27-September 1

I want to start the week in review by saying good bye to Nola. She explains her decision to leave in Farewell. I have really enjoyed reading her insights and having her as a coblogger. I wish her the very best. I also want to welcome Tristi aboard as an LDS blogger. She has been blogging here for some time in both Media and Movie reviews. She has also completed some guest LDS blogs. I know that she will have a lot to share as well. In Chronology of the Old Testament Nola explains how the events in the Old … Continue reading