Finding Family Time

As parents it is important to find a balance between church meetings and family time. This becomes even trickier if you are in a leadership position or once you have youth aged children in the home. It is difficult because you are also trying to juggle other activities as well. As you take the time to make the right choices for your family, you should make sure that you are making the most of the time you do set aside for family. Here are some things to consider as you find the right balance for your family. Are the meetings … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Five Ideas to Help You Spend Time Together

When you have family home evening, you may be struggling with what to do with your time. The term family home evening implies more time spent together than just a twenty-minute lesson. (Although if that is all that you family can do, then that is all that your family can do.) If you are scrambling to find more to do with your family during family night here are five ideas. 1) One thing you may want to consider adding to your family home evenings is music time. This could mean different things to different families, but initially you may want … Continue reading

Author Interview: Trina Boice Part Two – The Sabbath Day

Thank you for joining us for part two of our chat with author Trina Boice When we left off yesterday, Trina was telling us about the genealogy book she co-wrote with her sister. If you missed that, you can click here to get caught up. Trina, thank you for joining us again. You’ve also written a book called “Sabbath Solutions.” What is that about? Do you ever hear your kids complain “There’s nothing good to do on Sundays?” Well, I heard that about every seven days, to be exact! I decided to prove my kids wrong and told them I … Continue reading

Primary Time: Five Ideas for Quarterly Activities

It is the beginning of the new year, if you are in the Primary presidency, then you are most likely planning the quarterly activities for the entire year. Here are five ideas for activities that may be fun for your Primary to complete. 1) One fun activity is to have the Primary have a cultural Christmas party. You can ask different returned missionaries from your ward share a little bit about the countries that they served in, and how those countries celebrated Christmas. You can have the guests set up in different rooms, and have the children rotate through. You … Continue reading

Quality Time vs. The World

It is a tough thing these days to get in some quality family time as mothers race to and fro (school, to (insert your sport here) practice, dance class, assorted clubs, and excessive amounts of homework. Throw in a working mom, working father, six kids and you have complete and utter chaos with little to no time for quality family time. Quality family time is critical to the growth and steadfastness of your family. With the constant onslaught the world throws at us these days: T.V., radio, movies, concerts and friends – it’s a wonder the family is able to … Continue reading