President Hinckley Honored in Special Supplement to the Ensign

The passing of our beloved prophet Gordon B. Hinckley has affected all of us deeply. We remember him with fondness, his sense of humor, his unerring commitment to the right, his dedication to the Church through years and years of service. The magazine staff at the Ensign has put together another special way to commemorate the life and accomplishments of this wonderful man. Included with the Ensign this month was a smaller magazine entitled, “In Memoriam: President Gordon B. Hinckley.” The first page of the supplement tells us of the young Gordon’s introduction into Church service. Immediately after returning from … Continue reading

President Monson to Succeed President Hinckley

The church announced today that Thomas S Monson will succeed President Hinckley as the prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He has chosen President Henry B Eyring to be his first counselor and President Dieter F Uchtdorf as the second counselor. President Boyd K Packer is the new president of the Quorum of the Twelve. In the past he was only acting president since President Monson was serving in the first presidency. The succession of the prophet is an orderly process that has happened from the beginning of the church. I have always enjoyed … Continue reading

Teaching Our Children to Sustain the Prophet

A friend of mine e-mailed over the new photograph of the First Presidency, and I saved it to my desktop. This morning, my two sons saw it and asked about it, and I explained who the men are. They both showed immediate interest in the man who is our new prophet. A few minutes later, I overheard my six-year-old say, “If I have a flag when that new man dies, I’ll fly it half way up and half way down.” “That’s right,” my nine-year-old said. “Because he’s a good man, just like President Hinckley.” “What was his name again?” the … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review: February 4th-9th

We’ve had a lot going on in LDS this week. If you weren’t able to join us, you can catch up by reading this summary and following the links. We began the week, as was fitting, by talking about President Hinckley. Tristi blogged about a website where you can go and sign up to participate in a Book of Mormon reading tribute to President Hinckley. At last count, over 28,000 people have chosen to commemorate the passing of that dear man by studying the scriptures as he asked us to do. Miriam then told us of the selection of Thomas … Continue reading