Focus during Scripture Study

How do you prepare yourself to study the scriptures? What frame of mind are you in when you kneel to pray? It is important to come prepared so that you can learn as you study and pray. In 3 Nephi 11 we read about how it took the Nephites three times before they were able to understand the voice from heaven. In verses 5 and 6 we read: “And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were toward the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards … Continue reading

Learning from Your Trials

My husband uses the analogy of the rubber band when he talks about trials and faith to our daughter. He points out that if a rubber band is made out of real rubber it needs to be stretched every few days so that it holds its elasticity. If you neglect this task the rubber band quickly becomes brittle and breaks very easily. Trials help us to continue to grow spiritually. Similarly when you are tested and tried, the trial may not be taken from you, but rather you are given the strength that you need in order to bear up … Continue reading

Personal Prayer

Prayer is truly a blessing in my life. I pray every day, but there are specific experiences when I can remember the prayers and answers clearly. These times strengthen me, because they demonstrated to me that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer my prayers. The answers were not immediate, but came shortly after the prayer, and I felt strengthened by the answers. At times you may be in situations for which you can find no solution. You may be looking for a job, trying to solve a conflict with a family member or planning for the future. As you … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Personal Prayer

This lesson is about personal prayer. It is based around Enos and his experience with prayer. This is a wonderful experience because you can use the example to teach on many levels. You should be able to draw points to teach the youngest Primary children and discussion for the most studied adult. You should open the lesson by sharing the story of Enos. You may want to read it as a family or your can use these flannel board figures to tell the story to young children. After you do this you can discuss the way that Enos prayed. If … Continue reading

Blessings and Trials

The talks from the last Relief Society session of conference were really amazing. The theme “Encircled in the Arms of His Love” really struck home with me. Each of the sisters who spoke shared a time in her life when she felt that love, and could feel the arms of the Savior around her, helping her. They spoke of the importance of remembering that feeling. It has been a difficult month for me. It is going to be difficult for awhile. And I know that the Lord is there helping me through my experience. I know because I remember Him … Continue reading

Primary Time: Teaching Children About Personal Prayer

Personal prayer is an important concept to teach your children. We begin to teach our children to pray as soon as they are able to talk. It is important that the children truly understand the concept of prayer. It is also important that they begin to make the transition to a truly personal prayer where they begin to talk to their Heavenly Father and seek advice and help. Here are five tips to help. 1) Children learn best when they see you pray. When you have family prayer pray about the needs of your family, and the things that you … Continue reading

Supporting Others During Their Trials

We are all faced with times of trial in our lives. It can be difficult to know what to do and how to do it. It can also be difficult to reach out to others when they are going through a trial. Sometimes people are reluctant to share their trials because they do not want to be a burden or to bother other people. Some trials are too personal to openly share with others. If you know someone is struggling through a trial here are four simple things to do for her. 1) Pray for the person who is struggling. … Continue reading

The Prayer of Jabez: Keep Me from Evil

“…and that You would keep me from evil,…” Like Bruce Wilkinson, author of the book The Prayer of Jabez, stated that sometimes we find ourselves asking God to help us to endure as we face trials in our lives. I find myself doing this often. I suppose I just assume that I’m going to have temptation and want God’s help in bringing truth and clarity to me during those times. Personally, I don’t always think about just asking God to keep me from it. I’m sure we all have times in our lives where we are at a breaking point … Continue reading

Prayer During Trials

At some point in your life you will be faced with trials. In fact there is rarely a time in your life, when you will not have some type of trial to overcome. It may not always be a big trial, but rather smaller ones that you struggle with on a day to day basis. It may be that the trials you are facing are a result of poor choices that you have made in the past, or it may be that you are faced with trials through no fault of your own. No matter what trial you are facing, … Continue reading

Trials and Faith: Why is This Happening?

In preparing to wrap up my series of Trials and Faith, I receive and email from a long time best-friend. It was a heartfelt prayer request for her friend’s family. This urgent request inspired me to write this blog and release it now rather than later. The prayer request was regarding a little boy who is now 3 who’d had brain cancer. He’d gone through at least radiation treatment, only to find out recently, his cancer returned. It was told to me that he will not be able to have any further radiation treatment and the type of cancer he … Continue reading