Serving Even When You are Tired

My husband is currently in charge of helping our ward organize a “day of service”. I hate to write a negative blog post about something that hopefully will turn out positive, so I apologize ahead of time if it comes out that way. We as Latter-Day Saints should know better than anyone how important it is to serve others. We know that it is expected of us, and yet, often, we do nothing to reach out to those around us. I am as guilty as the next person. This “day of service” has been a struggle for my husband to … Continue reading

October Visiting Teaching

Tonight I’m going to visit some of the women in my ward for visiting teaching, and decided to sit down and read the message for this month, titled, If we do not doubt. Sister Beck speaks of the importance for the women of the church to keep our covenants, and not doubt, and then in turn, the promise is made to us that those around us will not doubt either. I love this paragraph in particular, “When we honor our covenants, Heavenly Father can prepare the way for us. We are to live our covenants with precision. We can, for … Continue reading

The Red Tent

“And my Father dwelt in a tent.” 1 Nephi 2:15. I remember back to my seminary days in high school and it always seemed that there was someone who would jokingly recite this saying that it was their favorite scripture. Or, when trying to show that they had one memorized, they would quote this one. But, recently, I read a book that gave this sentence some meaning. It was recommended to me long ago by a friend to read the book, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. She suggested that it was about women in biblical times, but other than … Continue reading

Ignorance Continues

I have to admit that I am like just about everyone else out there. When I feel like something, or someone I love is attacked, I want to defend. It is no different when wanting to defend my own religion. When I was in high school, I distinctly remember sitting around with a handful of friends and the subject of religion came up. I grew up in Texas, so when it came to religion, I was always the minority. In a school of 2500 students, there were only a handful of us, maybe 5 or 6, that were LDS. So, … Continue reading

General Conference 2011-The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn

I am not one to do a lot of genealogy myself. Although, I do understand the importance of it. My patriarchal blessing talks about it, and I write a lot about it here. But, I do not do a lot of things to research names, and progress the work. I always think that is something I will have time to do when I’m a little older. But, what if that time never comes? Elder Bednar’s talk in General Conference was about just that. He spoke of not putting off our genealogy by saying it is something we will do when … Continue reading

October 2011 General Conference- Elaine S. Dalton Address

“The most important thing a father can do for his daughter is love her mother.” -Elaine S. Dalton Sitting lazily in our backyard swing listening to conference on Sunday morning with our kids semi-listening, that quote above struck me, and I couldn’t help but poke my husband and say, “Are you listening?” I know we’ve all done it. We’ve all made sure that our husbands listen to what is important, but I couldn’t help but love this talk. We have one daughter, and she is our oldest. I know that she holds a special place in my husband’s heart. And, … Continue reading