Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part II

If you missed part I in this series, go here first. If we truly want to seek the spirit, first, we have to want the Holy Ghost in our lives. I’m sure all of us can think of a time in our lives where we were more spiritually minded. Maybe some of you are experiencing that time right now. But, maybe some of you can think of more spiritual times in your life than right now. One thing we need to do is to WANT the Holy Ghost in our lives daily. This is the first step in seeking it. … Continue reading

Your Church Halloween Party

With all the changes that have been going on lately in our ward, it is a little chaotic. In the shuffle, there have not been any callings made just yet. So, the new bishop asked me to help out with our church halloween party since I had worked most recently with the children in our ward. So I agreed. This year, we aren’t going to do a trunk or treat like many wards do. While I love that idea, and it is usually so fun and simple, we are going to try and throw together some activities that the kids … Continue reading

Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed

There is this Bible verse I have read many times and often wondered, “What would that feel like as a mom?” Which verse am I talking about? It is found in Proverbs 31:28: “Her children arise and call her blessed…” This basically means that the mother’s children recognize her efforts. I mean, what mother wouldn’t want that? I have heard many moms of adult children say that it isn’t until they start having children that they seem to get it. So I have tucked that away in my heart, holding it until the day it happens. However, I was blessed … Continue reading

Secret Shoppers for Churches?

I have to say that one thing I love about our church is the fact that members serve in positions in the church for free. No one is paid. While we do come from a very wealthy church, the clergy are not paid, and therefore, the money is being spent on things like buildings, spreading the gospel, and welfare. I heard about a recent program kind of like the secret shopper program. Mystery guests attend churches across the country for the first time and score them on various things in 15 categories like the sermon, pre-and post-service atmosphere, seating, etc. … Continue reading

The Power of Grandma

Who knew your monster-in-law could actually serve a positive purpose in life aside from birthing your spouse? Ahem… How well do you get along with your mother-in-law? The answer could have a major impact on your children’s lives. According to a new study, married couples, who live with or nearby their mother-in-law, are more likely to have healthier babies than those who don’t. In addition, researchers say children born to said couples are also less likely to die in infancy. Finally, the study also found that when grandma is a driving force in a family, mom and dad tend to … Continue reading

Surrogacy in the LDS Church

I have close family members and friends that have struggled with infertility. Since I don’t struggle with these same issues, sometimes I feel like I have no right to comment about any of it. But, I know that this is an issue that affects many LDS families (and non-LDS families) around the world. I can only imagine that in a church like ours, whose focus is so much on the family, it can be especially hard to struggle with infertility. It is a righteous desire to want to have children. It is hard to understand why the Lord is not … Continue reading

What’s New at FamilySearch? – Week of June 29, 2012

FamilySearch is one of the largest, and most popular, genealogy websites. Many people use it because it doesn’t charge a membership or subscription fee. One of the best things about it is that it is able to frequently update the resources that it can offer to genealogists. Here is some of what’s new at FamilySearch this week. FamilySearch has been working on a project called the Massachusetts Wiki Project. They recently added a major content update to the Plymouth County, Massachusetts page. There have also been twenty-seven Plymouth County town pages added. Genealogists can find vital records, a history of … Continue reading

What’s New at Family Search? – Week of May 19, 2012

FamilySearch is one of the most popular genealogy websites. It is constantly adding new records to its site. It also has several different genealogy related projects going on, and plenty of other resources for both new and experienced genealogists. Here is what’s new at FamilySearch this week. FamilySearch is the world’s largest genealogy organization. The website is a service that is provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Helping people connect with their ancestors is an important part of their religious beliefs. The website welcomes all genealogists to use their resources, no matter what their background, culture, … Continue reading

LDS Music on Pandora

love church music, and I especially love listening to it on Sundays. There is something about spiritual music that can definitely set the mood for you to attend church and feel the spirit. It also has a calming effect in my life as well. Lately, I’ve been using Pandora, a popular free app for iPhones, to find music to listen to on Sundays. You can simply select an artist you like, and it will create a station for you that has similar music for you to listen to. Did you know that you can do this with some LDS artist’s … Continue reading

Housekeeping Then and Now

I was recently watching a show depicted in the times before we had electricity. It was interesting to think about how different housekeeping was back then. In order to get the most out of your day, you had to get up with the sun. That meant rising pretty early. And the work didn’t end until the sun went down. I was thinking about how even back then, women kept a schedule. They knew when their day would begin and when it would end. They scheduled their housekeeping according to the different seasons. But they also set aside certain tasks on … Continue reading