Picture-Perfect Mother’s Day

What are you asking for this Mother’s Day? A clean basement? Not if your husband’s idea of “cleaning” is tossing out all of your stuff. An expensive vacuum? Not if you have to use it more to justify the price. Breakfast in bed? Not if it means doing damage control in the kitchen until dinner. What about a peaceful day surrounded by the people whose existence affords you membership in the sweetest sorority on earth? This Mother’s Day consider cuddling up with your kiddos and enjoying a quiet moment with these picture-perfect holiday reads: The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our … Continue reading

My High School Graduate

I am now officially the mother of a high school graduate. It is hard to describe that feeling of watching your son walk across the stage to accept their diploma. A chapter in his life has closed and a new one begins. The past few days I have been doing a lot of reminiscing in my mind. I can still clearly remember the day we brought him home from the hospital. My husband and I couldn’t get enough of him. We took hundreds of pictures and videos. Try to explain to your third child why there are so few of … Continue reading

“The Gift of an Ordinary Day”

I recently read a book written by Katrina Kenison, “The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir.” I first heard about it through one of the blogs I subscribe to. What immediately appealed to me was that it was about a mother facing that stage of life in which she is learning to let go of her teenagers. However there was more to the story than that. It was also about a mother’s quest to simplify her life. The family makes a couple of moves that are impacting in a variety of ways. They end up moving from what … Continue reading

My Three Month Old Daughter

I cannot seem to say it enough: babies grow too fast! The first three months of my daughter’s life have just flown. On the very day she turned three months old, she also became exactly thirteen weeks old. While thirteen weeks seems like nothing to adults, new babies accomplish quite a bit in that short amount of time. Gone is the newness of the newborn stage, she has graduated from merely eating, sleeping, and diaper filling. She is no longer content with the general passivity of sleeping, she spends a good portion of her day engaged in the world around … Continue reading

Preparing Emotionally for Mother’s Day

So I am beginning to emotionally prepare myself for Mother’s Day. Every year I try to not have too many expectations and yet despite that, I always end up feeling disappointed in some way. Maybe it’s really just me or maybe it’s just that my children truly don’t grasp the importance of this day to me. Maybe I shouldn’t make Mother’s Day to be of such importance. Maybe I should just appreciate the fact I am a mother and leave it at that. Maybe… But I would be lying to myself if I tried to pretend that there is a … Continue reading

The Many Worlds of Disney On Ice

Are you dying to check out that Kraft Singles-Disney On Ice savings offer but can’t decide which live show appeals most to you? Never fear; today I’m going to outline all of the Disney On Ice tours traveling the country so you can decide which you’d best like to see. Last year I posted an in-depth profile of the Let’s Celebrate extravaganza, so check out my prior blog for all the details on that show. Here is the scoop on the rest of the performances. When I first read that there are two Disney Princess ice shows currently touring, I … Continue reading

Think Pink for Valentine’s Day

A typical Valentine’s Day scrapbook contains plenty of pink, red and white embellishments. It also features photos of lovers, friends and family members sharing sweet moments together. I was expecting to see all of this while paging through a scrapbook my mother received from a friend for Valentine’s Day last year. However, what I saw was a plethora of pink in honor of breast cancer awareness. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer five years ago. Today, she is in remission and doing quite well. While the cancer may be gone for … Continue reading

Educational Holiday Getaways

Who says kids can’t learn something while on Christmas vacation… besides not licking frozen lamp posts? The United States is home to a number of award-winning educational facilities designed to make learning fun for kids of all ages. If you are looking for tried and true boredom busters this holiday season, consider traveling to the following: Experience Music Project The Seattle-based Frank Gehry-designed music mecca is a haven for rock stars in the making. Experience Music Project boasts equipment that your tween can use for his fantasy jam session, plus there’s a section that showcases the likes of Seattle’s own … Continue reading

My Experience With Child-Led Weaning – The Conclusion

Last month I shared my experience with child-led weaning. A month ago, we were down to one feeding each morning, and that continued for a while. This past week, my son dropped the morning feeding. He simply woke up and said “eat,” pointing downstairs (where his high chair is), and was happy to have his rice milk, banana and cereal. For a few days he asked to nurse in the afternoon. Then, one day, he didn’t ask at all. He didn’t ask the next day either… or the next. On the third day I realized he probably wasn’t going to … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-My Favorite Talk

General Conference is a wonderful time of year. Living in UT, we get to sit at home in our pajamas and watch conference on TV. Since I have very young children at home, this can be challenging to do. I get bits and pieces of the talks, and always vow that I will re-read them, and really ponder them during a quiet moment. Usually, I don’t get that quiet moment, or do not really think about it again. But, this time, I want to re-visit these talks and blog about some that I felt were particularly poignant to me personally … Continue reading