All Genealogy Blogs Are Not Equally Valuable

I love when I find a genealogy blog that I had not been aware of before! The information written on a genealogist’s personal blog can be entertaining, enlightening, and perhaps even informative. I try to keep in mind, however, that not every genealogy blog is going to be a useful resource for my genealogy research. Part of the reason why has to do with the very nature of what we define as “a blog”. The word “blog” is a shortened form of the phrase “web log”. Before the age of the internet, if someone wanted to write down a detailed … Continue reading

Pros of Prenuptial Agreements

My last article began placing some emphasis on prenuptial agreements. I gave you a little bit behind their history and why some couples may choose to sign them. In this article we will look a little more in depth at some pros and cons of signing one of these documents. Prenuptial agreements can be very enlightening and positive to a marriage. They can help create conversations and bring up ideas that you may not have considered discussing before marriage. There are several states that have laws pertaining to property and assets in a marriage. Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, Arizona, … Continue reading

Disney Animated Movies – Lightening the Anxiety Load

I’m a huge advocate for Disney animated movies. Apart from the fact that I still love to watch them myself, I’ve allowed my boys to watch them from being babies. In fact for the first year, the only other screen “entertainment” they watched were the Baby Einstein videos (now also part of the Disney stable). It wasn’t until very recently however that I realized how much I could bless Disney for the thought that goes into these movies for little people. I’ve long seen either a Disney story of a historical/mythical theme unfold on the screen. I’ve also – in … Continue reading

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

  “Once upon a time, there were three hungry Dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur . . . and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway.” Sound familiar? What? You mean you didn’t know that… “One day—for no particular reason—they decided to tidy up their house, make the beds, and prepare pudding of varying temperatures. And then—for no particular reason—they decided to go . . . someplace else. They were definitely not setting a trap for some succulent, unsupervised little girl. Definitely not!” Clearly, this is not a regurgitation of the original fairy tale featuring a curious golden-haired lass … Continue reading

Things to Buy in February

I have talked before about how timing purchases strategically can really help you to score some fabulous deals. Now that it is February, you may feel like letting your wallet see the light of day again because you have had about a month to come to terms with those Christmas bills that nearly knocked you over when you opened the envelope. There are a few things that you may want to buy this month, if they are on your radar of things that you were thinking of purchasing some time soon. You may be thinking of spring, but there is … Continue reading

The Messy Corner

There is a corner that our son sits in when he’s eating his food. His high chair overlooks the table but is backed up to a corner. Whenever he eats we try to put him in his high chair. While we used to give him crackers elsewhere in the house (and other little treats) the general cleanliness of our floors suffered. When we had to wear shoes in our own home after a day of his snacking we quickly decided that all eating would occur in the chair at the table. In part it was enlightening when we cleaned to … Continue reading

Introduction to Disney Addiction

“The fairy tale of film — created with the magic of animation — is the modern equivalent of the great parables of the Middle Ages.”—Walt Disney Hi, my name is Angela and I’m a Disney-holic. I got hooked when I was small and I still go see the studio’s movies in the theaters, by myself if need be. For my formal introduction on this blog, I wanted to share a little bit about the role Disney’s had in my life. Disney means a lot of things to a lot of people—production company, ultimate theme park, greedy global conglomerate—and while I’m … Continue reading

College Cafeterias Go Trayless

Imagine being a college coed who’s stopping by the school cafeteria for a nice dinner. You choose a plate of chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, corn-on-the-cob and a roll, but you also want a salad, some butter and a beverage. The problem is not finding the money to afford your well-rounded meal; rather there’s not a tray in sight for you to haul your dinner to a table. You’d laugh if it weren’t so pathetic. Unfortunately, it’s no joke. In order to save money and the planet, hundreds of colleges and universities around the nation are getting rid of cafeteria … Continue reading

Drop That Baby!

There are many signs to look out for when you are waiting for labor to begin. You may lose your mucus plug, your water may break, you may notice an increase of vaginal discharge or spot the bloody show. If you are a first time mom, you may also experience something known as lightening up to four weeks before delivery. Second time moms typically see their babies “drop” much later, sometimes after labor has already gotten started. Dropping is a really good sign: it means the baby has engaged the presenting part (head) into the pelvis. When this happens, the … Continue reading

My Experience With Natural Childbirth, Part 3

“What was it really like?” That was the question I was asking all my girlfriends who’d gone before me. I learned that woman have such a wide variety of experiences, even between their own children. No labor and delivery is quite the same as the next. Each one is unique. Some women made me a little nervous with their stories of 48 hour labors and 4th degree tearing. Fortunately, my story is not so traumatic. That is why I’m sharing my childbirth story: if one woman can take a breath and relax after reading this, I’ve done my job. I’m … Continue reading