Ignorance Continues

I have to admit that I am like just about everyone else out there. When I feel like something, or someone I love is attacked, I want to defend. It is no different when wanting to defend my own religion. When I was in high school, I distinctly remember sitting around with a handful of friends and the subject of religion came up. I grew up in Texas, so when it came to religion, I was always the minority. In a school of 2500 students, there were only a handful of us, maybe 5 or 6, that were LDS. So, … Continue reading

Federal Ban on Blood Donation Continues

This past Friday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) decided to uphold the federal ban against sexually active gay men donating blood. The ban has been in effect for 25 years, when the AIDS blood scare first began. You probably remember young hemophiliac Ryan White who was infected with HIV in 1984 after receiving a tainted blood treatment. White died at the age of 18 in 1990. Another early victim of tainted blood was actor Paul Michael Glaser’s wife Elizabeth. She contracted HIV after receiving a blood transfusion when giving birth to their first child Ariel. She … Continue reading

Serving Even When You are Tired

My husband is currently in charge of helping our ward organize a “day of service”. I hate to write a negative blog post about something that hopefully will turn out positive, so I apologize ahead of time if it comes out that way. We as Latter-Day Saints should know better than anyone how important it is to serve others. We know that it is expected of us, and yet, often, we do nothing to reach out to those around us. I am as guilty as the next person. This “day of service” has been a struggle for my husband to … Continue reading

October Visiting Teaching

Tonight I’m going to visit some of the women in my ward for visiting teaching, and decided to sit down and read the message for this month, titled, If we do not doubt. Sister Beck speaks of the importance for the women of the church to keep our covenants, and not doubt, and then in turn, the promise is made to us that those around us will not doubt either. I love this paragraph in particular, “When we honor our covenants, Heavenly Father can prepare the way for us. We are to live our covenants with precision. We can, for … Continue reading

Blaming the Teacher

There is a disturbing trend that is growing. Perhaps it is the absence of proper formation in high schools. Perhaps it is the increased media saturation on television and mobile devices. Perhaps it is a byproduct of the soundbite culture and a loss of the ability to pay attention or pay respect. Any one of these things (and I suspect many others left unmentioned) could contribute to a disturbing trend among young people I’m tentatively calling “blame the teacher.” In many ways this is nothing new. Talk shows have long been riddled with children blaming their parents for their own … Continue reading