A Personal Relationship with Heavenly Father

Often I get so caught up in the details of living life from day to day that I forget how important my own personal relationship with Heavenly Father is. It’s all very well and good to keep the commandments, but our spiritual growth needs to take another step, one of seeking every day to strengthen that relationship and nurture it. I think we find it easy to lump the Godhead all into one, but I would like to suggest that as we believe that the Godhead is comprised of three separate beings, that we increase our testimony of and relationships … Continue reading

Heavenly Father: the True Judge of Repentance

In Doctrine and Covenants 64:8-10, we read, in part: “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you, it is required to forgive all men.” I’ve puzzled over this scripture for a long time. Why is it that the Lord gets to pick and choose who receives forgiveness? Hasn’t He promised that if we’ll repent, He’ll forgive? This scripture sounded to me like He was going to go through and say, “I’ll forgive you and you, but not you.” As I posted this afternoon’s blog on President Kimball’s feelings toward repentance and pondered this scripture again, suddenly … Continue reading

Christianity Leaves No Room for Hate

God is love. He is not hate. So, it is amazing to me, how some individuals can justify their actions of hate in the name of Christianity. I recently read an article on CNN.com that you can find here where an extremist, radical “church” (and I use those quotations on purpose) are going to protest the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards for “issues related to her personal life”. Whatever that means. The article goes on to say how this church has protested at funerals before. They have protested at funerals of fallen soldiers claiming that these soldiers were punished by God. … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 8

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson eight in the manual. You may need to make adjustments according to your ward’s schedule. You may also want to prepare your children to listen to General Conference this month. Additionally Easter Sunday is this month, and you may want to spend extra time discussing the true meaning of Easter. If you have a child in Sunbeams or Nursery he learned about night and day. The lesson covered the creation and talked about the difference between day and night. It also talked about how Heavenly Father announced the birth of Jesus to … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review Dec 2-8

If the busy holiday season have kept you from checking in on a regular basis, then this will help you to catch up and bring your focus back to the gospel. In Finding the Christmas Spirit, Tristi gives advice on ways to do just that. You can learn more ways to incorporate the Christmas spirit in your home in Primary Time: December 2007 Sharing Time Theme. You can also incorporate Sunday lessons into your family discussions with Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 44. Tristi is taking us back to review Priesthood and Relief Society lessons from earlier in the year. You … Continue reading